Heart Felt
Jason's Feelings:Heart still as water. i know how that feels like, its a very peaceful feeling, a tranquil knowledge that u have accepted things and moved on. I might not have what i wanted, and i may never get what i want, but i can accept that what i wanted was never meant to be what i can get. There's no such thing as someone who isnt worth another person in this world, its just the perspective on the issue.
What im glad is that at least sometime was spent considering the possibility before. For this 2 weeks, i kinda cooled off alot, and i guess its fair that i took the time off because put alot into this. In a way, its good, because this finally gave me the determination and courage to put my life on the right track.
Things are already rolling out on ah-wei's side, and the plan will be most probably be launched before ah-wei's birthday. What plan, i cannot say now, but i really hope this venture will be successful, because though i might not get very rich, ah-wei will be successful and can show those people that looked down on him that he can make it in life. Im not noble or what, its just a heart-felt wish that my best childhood frend can make his mark in life. :)
And regarding my O, she's really too beautiful to behold for long, i can only secretly look at her. I don't even have the guts to ask her out. hahahass, its kinda funny feeling like tat because since after secondary school, i never felt so kiddish and shy before. Call me pessimistic or ball-less, but i seriously doubt she will even consider going out with me, i mean, would u go out with a fat fuck?
Upgrading myself, is it really necessary? Lying to myself is one of my greatest skills, telling myself, after upgrading myself, what i want will be what i get. hahahasss, what an ironic and childish thinking, when someone likes u, its for who u are, not what u are. Its just predetermined that my hand doesnt fits hers, its that simple, so why should i tell myself that changing the shape of my hand will in the end fit hers? heh.
(Its raining outside, so im abit solemn, but i guess that's kinda how i felt.)
My O : If only fate allow me to bring you into my world.
Jason's Simplicity : I have planned my future, am i realli that simple after all?
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