Wednesday, December 08, 2010

I know i have not been blogging for ages. This few mths i kinda spunned out of control. Allow me to say i have learnt alot this few mths from september. Lets just put it im becoming a ASEAN diplomat soon. Hahasss.

Been drinking almost every single night, im now a night person alreadi. And thanks to some divine intervention, i suddenly felt like reverting back to my normal self. Im kinda stuck with a fair thai lady currently, she kinda made me lost track of myself. Or rather, i myself was too engrossed i guess. She's a realli nice girl, but ladies of the night always have secrets here and there. I was not veri used to all this shit initially, but now my mentality shifted. Its all a game, and its how you play your cards.

Amidst all these lies, there are indeed a few truths. Honesty infact is a quality i value more then anything. Im attracted to honesty more then anything. A month back, i used to have a set of rules laid out to protect myself from the shroud of the night. The legends are true, the night have a aura that corrupts and changes people. Sad to say, i have flouted every single one of the rules when it comes to this thai lady.

Her name is Kwang. I realli fell for her. Hahahah.

Initially when i went to the pub with my frends, i didnt realli wanna tok to her. I know deep inside if i went after this girl, i will realli fall for her and this will completely screw up my life. I tried ignoring her for 5 times, in the end, under my fren's encouragement, i went for it. And then the downward spiral starts....

I wouldnt say my life is totally screwed up currently, but its not looking veri bright now. I woke up in time to assess my current situation, then i realised its not realli worth it for a single person.
My future is bright beyond belief, i lost myself in this 3 mths. Im supposed to be putting my monies and talent to greater use, to build an empire of dreams, not investing in somebody that i have never even saw the colour of her underwear before. To put it crudely, its dumb lor.

If she likes me, will auto come to me, no point making somebody the centre of my entire life. My entire life should be revolving around me, myself and i. Not somebody that i dun realli know well. Hurhur. Thankfully, i've seen thru all these, and im not too hard on myself, simply because i count all these as life experiences. You dun learn all these shit in school, you onli learn it in society, and i guess paying for education is prim and proper. Hahaha

Anyways i've applied for a number of offshore positions, hopefully i get short-listed and called up for interviews. Im dying to take up a regional role where i get to fly around on business trips. I have some financial shits to clear at the moment, and once i cleared them, most prob will start building my war chest again. hiak Hiak. =)

I trying to ask for 3.5k basic, i seriously hope i get it. lolx.

Friday, September 03, 2010

These few days is fucking hot. Nb fuck the cb weather. Pui.

Ok, enough of whining. Was facebooking and then at a small corner, suddenly saw a familiar face.

Clicked through, and realized its adeline. Its been sometime since i've seen the starhub people, the last time we had dinner was 3 or 4 years back, everybody have been doing their own things and i guess we didnt have time to gather to catch up.

I went to take a look at haojun, edward, kenneth etcs profiles to find out how they are getting on in life, and its quite amazing just a few years back, we all started equal, and yet now, some are further in life then the others. Wow.

In retrospec, i also have came far from where i was initially. Its kinda interesting when you mentally revisit the emotions and feelings during that exact point in time, and look at it with the current maturity perspective. The dumb things you do, was not that dumb that time, yet now, its totally and completely dumb. Then again, you do the dumb things you do that time because you still have the innocence and naivety that signifies purity of soul, and now, the soul is tainted through the years and you tell yourself you will never do dumb stuffs again. At least of the naive nature. Geezzz.

Its a lil complex, but whoever said mental complexities are not as the word suggest? heh.

Well, i have decided. And so it shall stay that way. There is somebody now, yet im not realli interested. No point getting attached, at least not till i have a passive income of $1000 per mth.

Affairs of the heart, there is realli no rush. The most i stay single all my life, what matters in life is not to find somebody to settle down, its money. Money money money, its all that matters now, so my short term goal is laid out infront of me, 1k in passive income every month. =)

Um, its getting abit gibberish now, my brain is shutting down cause im so damn tired. Fuck, shall go sleep. Ciaoz~!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

This blog abit old liao, i tink maybe its time to convert it to a investment blog, rather then some silly affairs-o-the-heart blog. As we age, we tend to change priorities, and that is exactly what happened to me. I have sort of erased most of the emotions within me with regards to her, so i guess we're on the road again man. =)

Okies, first of all, my current portfolio:

1) Noble Group
2) Banjoo
3) PT Berlian Laju
4) Saizen REIT

And so the reasons for incorporating them into my portfolio is as follows:

1) I personally like Noble's business and being in the commodity business means u you perpetual prospects, commodities is something that is always needed in whichever phrase of the economy. Therefore i feel its quite rock-solid when industry demand is concerned.

Currently Noble is still bearish, but nonetheless this counter is my fundamental pick, so i cant realli be bothered with the charting of this counter. =)

2) Banjoo, the well known kukujiao counter. I'm vested in Banjoo due to their recent change in owner and industry. They are now venturing into the indonesian telecoms industry, where they have secured a governmental contract for construction and maintenance of various sub-stations to extent mobile coverage to the rural areas of indonesia. Indonesia itself, boosts inpressive growth and its economy is mostly inert to the global economy. The recession merely grazed indonesia because although indonesia is a 3rd world country, this fact actually saved them. Indonesia's demands is self-supplied, so they dun realli import or export much products for domestic consumption. Anyways, long story cut short, Banjoo is a medium-term tikum counter which have potential to be a multi-bagger. In which case if it does not do well, i also lose not much. hahaha

3) PT Berlian Laju, this one is pure tikum, with some research done on its financials and backgroud. The fair valuation of this counter is SGD0.15, yet its now lying at SGD0.035, simply because they turbo issues rights to garner cash for insane expansion. Currently they are the 3rd largest chemical freighters in the world, and i believe they will soon be number 1 if they managed to pull off this insane expansion plan. Oh, need i mentioned they are also highly leveraged? Haha, but tikum this one also no hard, lose also not much. Hiak hiak

4) Saizen REIT, this deadly counter is my first purchase to build up the fixed income portion of my portfolio. I shall elaborate more on the Jasonian Portfolio Theory later. Saizen deals in Japanese properties, and as the general rules go, Japanese real estate is super expensive. Anyways japanese properties have immerse potential, and as XH puts it, they need 2 generations to completely purchase a property. That is how expensive jap properties is. Anyways im just vested this morning, awaiting their financial announcement tomorrow morning before market opens. I have a certain feel good factor about this counter, simply because i did ALOT of research before committing in this counter. =)

Alrite, everybody needs to have dreams yeah? There is a few counters i would LOVE to hold if i have the monies, which at this point, im still damn poor lah. Cb. But no harm listing it out lah, at least i feel better that way. hahaha

To buy:

1) FSL Trust: This one die die must buy at the current price, the dividend yield is 12.88% per annum. The current price of SGD0.4 makes it a super cheap counter with respect to its NAV and div yield. They got into some shit hence the price like super low now. Nonetheless, they did announce they may be making some adjustments to future dividends. But still, this counter returns is good, simply because ship leasing is picking up as the economy is SLOWLY coming back again despite so many cock and bulls stories about double dip. Remember, the ball called earth is now undergoing a historical first; a asynchronous recovery. Asian countries are leading the recovery, with China in the forefront, we are currently the ones saving the western overspending asses with our incredibly godlike savings.

2) AIMS REIT: This one the yield is good, and its one of the 3 REITs im considering adding to my fixed income portfolio. Reasons for this choice is simple. I like it. =)

3) Cambridge REIT: This is the 3rd REIT i would like in my portfolio. Shall not say much, if you guys wan info why i like this so much, go google, tons of answers in there. hahaha (Lazy to type lah)

4) OCBC Bank: My veri own dear employer. Its a steal once it goes to 8.5 and under. OC will definitely hit $10 in the next 10 years, simply because as an employee in the bank, i believe in my own bank. hiak hiak hiak

5) Starhub: A Telecoms counter to diversify away from the other counters in my portfolio, because Starhub pays constant and good dividends for its price and stability. And might i add, im abit biased, cause i am a Starhub user. =p

6) Ezra: A Oil related counter that could ride on oil prices, which is guaranteed to go up rather then down in future. I also like the fact that i always see Ezra employees at my branch area. All look decent and dont seem too shady. Hurhur.

7) Tiger Air: Contrary to popular believe, i was onli recently interested in this counter when XH told my about it. In the past, the IPO price of SGD1.5 kinda freaked me out, but right now its valuation is slowly catching up with its IPO price. For medium term prospects, this counter fits nicely into my portfolio, because i need a air carrier to tap on the asian tourism boom.

8) Transpac: This one is a semi tikum and fundamental stock. To me, its like a pandoras box. you look at the financials and u go boomz, and the next thing u know, they give out 40 cents dividend. Last dec, i was a fortunate beneficiary of the 40 cents thingy. haha. Anyways transpac is a investment holdings company, which is vaguely similar to what ang mohs called a venture capital company. They buy and sell shares and companies, kinda like a equity fund without the so called mandate. There is no predetermined fund manager, which means there is no management costs like unit trusts. Up till now, transpac is performing veri nicely, and the dividends they give out machiam tio bonus like tat, wudi one! hahaha!

There, finally finished typing, there is lots more to tok about, but lets just stop here for the time being. Remember, try not to be a chartist, and if you realli wanna be one, make sure you have the ability or leverage to play, dun end up a victim of Mr Market! ^_^

Monday, May 10, 2010

Missing Me Missing You

Peeps, been sometime since i blogged. Anyways i've been extremely busy these days, as usual with my work and stuffs. Something went wrong in April, and i was bottom of the charts. I guess its what they call the burn out effect. I was too tired to realli run for sales, so in the end i sunk.

But this month, i must run, i dun fucking care. My boss gave me a HUGE deal and hence i am now at the top of the top together with my other 2 colleagues, but still, its not my own effort and im not particularly proud of it. I must close more deals on my own accord before i can realli appease myself.

Okays, yesterday was damn shoik, went to chill out with the guys and jade at Wala Wala. Someone spoke about something and i kinda stoned. I knew, but still its kinda hard to swallow. Well anyways its good, because i can start to look for my own happiness. Its dumb i know, and as usual, those that understands, understands; those that dun understand, never will. =)

Alrites, back to topic, i blogged todae at this hour, because i came across a few articles and forum posts on this girl that committed suicide at AMK a few days back because of a failed relationship.
I aint gonna advertise what happened etc, the main point here is the slice of the pie i took away from this information.

Life is short, everyone knows that, but yet for somebody to even consider shortening it further, things must realli be veri veri adverse. So the question is, have you ever had suicidal thoughts some point in your life?

For me, thankfully the answer is no. I wouldnt fucking kill myself even if i lost my dick or i became a absolute bankrupt or for all that matter, my future wife cuckooed me etc. I am a firm believer of living to fight another day.

People says god gave you life. For me, its my parents that gave me life. And therefore, no point throwing away the best gift your parents ever gave you because of some silly little problems that will DEFINITELY become insignificant over the course of your life. The only way to remedy problems is to live on and work out a solution, not to go airborne without parachute and hope that the problem dies with you.

Problems never die, they can only be solved. Although i've not been through ALOT, i wasnt realli born with a silver spoon as well. Im not going to whine and spout what shit and blah blah i have gone through so people can sympathize with me. Im a man and so i shall suck it up and live it on. =)

So looking back, im single all my life, maybe that is a blessing in disguise. Cause though somedays the loneliness catches up with you, most days you are just glad nobody ever hurt you the way you dun wan to. To me, emotional torture is worse then physical torture. So yeah, maybe things are the way they are because the fellow-above-the-clouds is trying to prevent people from hurting me. Heh.

Okies, jokes aside, the world is fucking coming to an end. Nbcb the fucking weather hot until mother cry lah. I bathe alreadi go downstairs buy food only, come back sweat like dog. Initially i suspected its my fats that's screwing me in, then i saw a few thin fellows also sweating like dogs beside me. The fucking weather is frying every mother's son in this lil country. Wootz!

Oh yeah, one thing though, am i realli dote-able? It seems womenfolk like to dote on me. Not say i bhb, but seriously, there are a few realli nice ladies that seems to dote on me alot, and that excludes my mum, who obviously is a god-send lady to specially dote on me. Anyways i wont say who are they, later they see this then dun dote on me anymore i die sia. lolx.

Okays, reading back the entries, i've realised a fact of life. Some people are meant to stay in your life, some are simply passerbys. We can be the bestest of the bestest frends, but the definition of bestest onli applies to a specified time frame in life. Example = I have a bestest frend called Jonathan Chan in Primary School. After PSLE, i dun even know anything about him anymore, till now i still dun kw where he works and how is he getting on in life. lol.

Another interesting person is my frends in polytechnic. We kinda stuck togetherly for like 3 yrs, and now we hardly even contact, except for meet ups and stuffs. Therefore, all this makes me treasure my Uni frends more then ever, simply because even after graduation, we're still close and especially the guys, we almost meet every weekend to play mahjong. And among them all, im closest to Nicalashi. This fellow is my colleague in OCBC and therefore we always contact on and off. Lolx.

Okays, im sweating just typing this shit here, fucking cb weather fucked up one. Why cant it be raining for the whole day man. Oh, that brings me to the final topic, I've changed over the years, but some habits are die hard. An example is my love for rainy days and cold nights, its damn romantic. And another habit is the mental allocation of songs for people that matter to me. There is always a song that reminds me of somebody in my life.

For that, her official soundtrack is Lee Hom's Xin Tiao. Nothing much, not trying to prove anything, just wanna type it here for the record, in case i go mad and forget stuffs. Talking about record, im gonna do something for the record, so that i can remember every single thing that happened. Yeap~~~

Okays, enough of irrelevant and random rantings. I know most of this entry doesnt even link together logically, but what the heck, its my blog, i type what i wan, when i wan. =)

Jason: Tonight is just one night, where things aren't that adverse yet.

Sunday, May 02, 2010


作詞:李安修 作曲:許建強 編曲:杜自持



有誰願意如此 認識愛情



一顆癡心 一段赤情

說得容易 怎奈人間際遇

就讓我和你 沈睡在夢裡

可知我的心 不願意醒

相偎又相依 黑夜到天明

緣份不能分 命運不能離

如果天有情 如果夢會靈

就讓我的心 愛到徹底

我對你的愛 已無法說明

就像風吹不息 雨打不停



Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Currently at number 4. After reporting tomorrow, will be number 3. Fuck. im missing the number 1 spot by 2604 points, i cannot let that happen, i say i will be number 1, means i will be number 1.

I will. I must. I shall become!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Been sometime since i updated peeps. Sorri bout that, was extremely busy with my job. For those that doesnt know, im now a banker. Kinda easy to say, yet its a hard job, a realli realli tough job. Those that can survive, survive, those that cant, too bad. Im hoping im a survival though. haha.

Anyways initially i fucking hate the long hours and the calling sessions, its like totally fucking cb de tiring and a torture because i start work from 0830hrs to 2100hrs. Yes u heard rite, i fucking work 12.5 hrs almost every fuck day. And if i dun hit target, i work on sundays. Saturday is a working day for your info. So you see, i became lifeless and drained.

That was initially, but now im a changed man. To my astonishment and dun know since when, i fell in love with this job and the long hours. I now officially revel in the long working hrs and tons of calls i have to make to customers. Im happy going home late and reaching home at 10pm, with just 2 hrs to destress and relax before going to sleep and waking up at 7am in the morning to take part in the 'morning rush'.

Why the paradigm shift? Simply because i feel that this is my calling. Although my performance isnt a 1 month wonder, im slowly catching up with the revenue points. First month was 2k, then 4k, 5k, 6k, 8k and now im at 12k. Slowly as i get the hang of it, im closing more deals and having more clients. And now i do ask myself this: What drives me?

Firstly its the clients. Im quite lucky to have met some customers that are realli nice and these are the clients i have decided to keep under my wings. As i service them more, i get more and more professional in the way i speak to them.

When i first started out, i sounded exactly like your typical salesman selling products in the streets. I didnt realli bothered with realli understanding clients for who they are. But now im different. The difference between a banker and a insurance agent is quite prominent. Bankers plan the all around finances of their clients which includes various products outside the scope of insurance. Insurance agents on the contrary, onli sell insurance and nothing else. I dun have a grudge against insurance agents by the way, im just saying. =)

So as i said, i became somebody that talks about the economy and market in depth with clients. I analyse their needs and how to best sector and divest their finances over various products. The best part is, i have managed to remain quite neutral towards customers. I dun have exact preference over those rich people. The onli bias i have is towards own portfolio of customers, I will always serve them first, the rest can press Q number until the birds come home. To me, its simple. Customers that trust in me deserves the best, it realli takes alot for somebody to put down large sums of money with you.

Ok, i know its getting quite boring. Lets talk about some gossips shall we? I finally knew the person i said looked like another person. Not realli as interesting as i thought, oh well, maybe im just too attuned to the other. Nonetheless, im glad im single, because with working hours like mine, i might as well remain single then go waste a gal's time right? I dun have the time to spend the so called 'quality time' and so a relationship will still end up in tatters anyways.

I have officially reached sumo weight class, so i seriously think i should lose weight for my health's sake. A fat fuck does not fit well into society i tink. hahaha.

Well, 12am, bedtime. Ciaoz!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Anecdotile Reverence

Im kinda dizzy now after drinking at the sales update meeting at butter factory. Sometimes i do wonder why the hell i drink whichever corner i go to in the meeting. For some background info, a sales update meeting is a huge gathering of all the sales staff of the bank and where there is announcement of the top branches and staffs for the year ending. Yup, im not in the list since im so green.

Anyways sales is starting to pick up abit, and i guess i have to put in more effort to realli sow my seeds. Customers are like children, u needa pamper them and show them care and concern before they actually trust you and do business with you. The main reason why i chose this job is because i can meet alot of customers, who relates more or less their life story to you, where u slowly learn about the various aspects and perspectives of life thru other people's eyes.

Anyways i have a notorious new big boss who is renowned for being a basket and totally fucked up fellow. But i do understand all his hard lined tactics is simply part and parcel of his job. He is paid to make us slog for results, and accordingly we take a basic salary from the bank for a reason. Hence although i kinda kpkb, i still find a place for him in my heart, simply because i know each and every paid individual have a job to do. It just so happens that he is in the bad ass position. Ah well.

My results are coming SLOWLY, and i do hope i can rise up to the challenge of this new big boss. Rather then complaining that i have to work like a dog, i kinda told myself that all this is infact for my own good. To go far in a sales career, you have to SLOG like a dog. The onli solution is hardwork and more hardwork. There isnt such a thing as working smart like in Uni, its fundamentally a numbers game. The more customer you come in contact with, the higher the sales rate. So yes, i do understand the hard reality and i hereby pledge to do my best to become the best in the industry.

Gals wise, everyday i come in contact with numerous babes. Be it customers or colleagues. Some of them are indeed veri physically attractive, but to me, its all naught. The special one i look for has to have it 'inside' and 'outside'. I know i dun have the qualities to ask for such a perfect person, but the gauge of who is 'the one' is entirely mine. A pretty face is onli mainly for lust purposes and i am grown up enough to understand that. Therefore i am still stationary waiting for somebody to wow me enough for me to take action. The burden i recently laid down still has its toll on me somehow, albeit not being so heavy anymore.

Since im not exactly conscious, let me have to liberty of spouting some thoughts here. Those gossip mongers who likes juicy news, you're in luck tonight. =)

Question: Do i still?

Well the answer is not so much as per in the past. Slowly im compelling myself to rid the feeling off. I have to, if not how the hell am i going to concentrate on my job and climb the career ladder when the onli shit thing i think about is O. I told myself, " grow up asshole, O hates you, so just fuck it and concentrate on excelling in your current job with the fucked up big boss.". I am now taking my own precious advice and slowly tearing myself away from the emotional strings. Contradictorily, deep inside there is still this dumb ass fellow that hopes a miracle might happen and you know, things get rosy. But a good 90% of my sane consciousness tells me its actually 90% impossible for that scenario to happen, unless the world ends and we are the onli tartlets left in the world. So yeah, fuck me. =)

Therefore, moving forward, i will try to open a little slot for people to try to fit themselves in, and with luck, maybe somebody might be actually wow me enough. And for those that are wondering, yes, i do have candidates available, and no, im not slimmer but im fatter. Hurhur.

Aites, i am now effectively shifting into lala-land mode and i can feel the alcohol starting to kick in. Those tat sees this entry is quite blessed, cause after i start working, i rarely divulge what i feel. Politics and other stressful factors changed me slowly, and the onli saving grace is my ability to TRY and ignore them all and lead a carefree life with a singular motive in life: Achieving the target set by my supposing-ly fucked up big boss.

With Love~~~ Jasonio Valentinovich Lamisitocra. ( New year, New name. Yeah, fuck me. )

Sunday, January 03, 2010

Letting Go