Royal Ramblings
Todae, i got a question to ask u peeps. Do you think that there is another person who looks exactly the same as you, living somewhere else in the world? Its abit crazy to be tinking bout such things when everyone is like so stressed up with life itself. hehe. But seriously, if there is indeed an identical person, then the onli thing that separates us is our personality. Personalities are unique, might be similar, but i dun tink its possible to find 2 persons that behave, eat, shit, sleep and perceive in the exact same ways. Even twins dun do that, do they?I once said i like to look up into the skies, simply because im quite intrigued by the fact that no matter how different we are, whether we are frends or enemies, sad or happy, we are still encompassed under the same sky. That's why there's this saying that as long as the sky havent caved in on us, nothing is too hard to accept and swallow. Life itself is a paradox, as well as a pandora's box. We humans are governed by our paradigms, and mindsets are contagious, if u're happy, ppl around naturally get happier. At least that's the crap going on in my brains lah. tch.
Alrite, no more serious stuff. Now lets go to the more cheeky things in my life. Muscle-head nich (aka kert), jordan and weiliang are avid lovers of everything thai. Kert is half-thai, jordan was posted to thailand during his NS, so i tink its normal he like thailand. But for weiliang, i dun realli know man. lolx. I do agree thai gals are hot, the 3 above mentioned fellows keep preaching to me how wonderful and frendly they are, compared to singaporean gals.
Im closer to kert, and he's kind of subtle lah, as in tell me abit bout how thais function and their culture. Jordan, i haven contacted him for like ages, and i remember the last time we msned, he also told me he's cfm getting a thai wife. As for weiliang, he came back from thailand and then he's a thai convert.
He says the gals there woo guys, not like in SG where guys woo the gals like crazy. He's abit masochistic i tink, u kw, a MCP, so i aint surprised he's attracted to them lah. He's at the same time trying to convince me to give up. But i told him, i like sg gals, no matter how kiasu they are, how dao they are, and how materialistic and unreasonable they are. Come on man, these are the womenfolk we grew up with, if we cant handle them, how do u wanna handle the society in future?
And so yeah, im a purist. Only singaporean gals. I want somebody that can appreciate laksa and durians, complains alot about the ERP, employs singlish during conversations and rushes for the occasional sale. No need warm and frendly lah, face the facts man, if ur gal is veri warm and veri frendly, u can take it anot? Jealousy sets in, and u get screwed. So remember, if u wan her to be sociable, make sure u can accept her sociability. =)
The picture below is a thai gal that i tink is damn pretty lah. Her name is Nun Woranuch. Ironic that someone called Nun is such a pretty lass. hurhur. But yeah, she's damn pretty. Notice her big eyes, im a sucker for gals with big eyes. lol

With that, i shall end my incessant ramblings tonite. Tomolo morning gonna go gym again, which is like my weekday morning hobby these days. And to the anonymous guy that tags my blog, be more confident ba, dun try to understand how things work in the world, most of the time, they aint meant to be understood. I once said this, and i stand by this : " If somebody likes you, they like you for who you are no matter how you portray yourself."
Jason's : Smoke gets in my eyes~~
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