Richie overslept todae, and therefore i was gyming all by myself. I seem to be doing things all by myself these days, and i have a crazy habit nowadays. Whenever im bored and have nothing to do at home, i will go do roadwork. U know, kinda jog for 10 mins, then stroll around neighbourhood for 30 mins.
Went to drink kopi with richard and do some catching up. He's attached to a gal now, half-indian, half-chinese, or so i remember. I kinda told him bout my worries, and he gave me a veri good analysis and advice. I can always depend on him to help me sort things out, what he says might not be pleasing to the ear, yet they always make sense.
The details of our little talk, i shall keep it secret. Lets just say he kinda put be back on the right track, and reminded me of who i am. Mentality wise, he's among the more logical and matured frends i have.
Frends, sometimes no matter who they are, they say some veri fantastic stuffs. At least my close frends are abit unpredictable. For example ah wei, whose pride is high and absolutely nobody can make him admit he's wrong. He once told me something on the bus home when i was complaining to him bout fei zai's irritating attitude. Ah wei : " We are frends for so long because we accept each other's shit mah, i have flaws, u have flaws, so the reason why we're good frens is simply because we accept and endured each other's shit."
wow. so veri true.
The next section is about my regrets. I have 2 regrets plaguing my mind right now, one of them is for terrorizing adeline as u ppl knew. lolx. But its resolved lah, we're now good frens and i realised she can crap alot man. The other regret isnt so easily resolved. Its the onli thing i wished i didnt do. All i can say, its a vicious cycle, how ironic is it that things came one full cycle. Give me the ability to change things, and i will go back to change that day. Why cant i just shut my trap and sit down there and eat my stupid food. Sigh.
Tml will be going to kembangan for a 15min briefing on the job to do on saturday. Yes, u heard rite, a 1 hr trip from boon lay to kembangan just for a simple 15 mins briefing. Zzzz. Dumb company, its just a event lah, cant they brief like 30 mins before the event? Kaoz, tiu na seng. Heng mee kia also working with me, arbo i cfm reject the job one. Bo liao. Its in the evening somemore. Fuck.
Oh ya, before i go, i discovered NTT-DOCOMO phones are WONDERFUL todae. Damn nice lah. they have this SONY BRAVIA PHONE, which u can watch tv on! They have this other phone called AQUOS, and yes, its uses SHARP's AQUOS technology on the screen. Wah lan eh, imagine watching super high quality images and videos on your handphone. Wow. I checked out the prices, its around $780 SGD with a hypersim card, sad thing is, its onli compatible with M1 and Singtel SIM cards. I-phone? nah, im getting a NTT-Docomo SO906i Sony Bravia. =)
Oh ya, show u ppl the picture ba. =)

Jason's : Is romance a social entity or a individual entity? hmms..
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