Thursday, July 03, 2008


Went to skool todae to check out the CCA fair. SIM's CCA variety ain't many, so there wasnt much choice anyways. Was interested in singing club, so i went to check out the booth. I think i might go to a session to see what do they do during their training, u kw, kinda recce and see how things operate.

Also signed up with the Social Enterpreneurship Club. Dun ask me why i joined, i dun kw, maybe wanna give things a try ba, and just nice i can go in promote Hoohaa. Things is getting serious these days, im losing the happy-go-lucky thingy. Was out with ah-zheng 2 days ago to drink kopi and intro him to Hoohaa. He always commented that im no longer the sec skool guy that smiles and joke around alot, i always have this tinge of sadness and stress around me nowadays.

With adulthood, comes lots of things to stress about, so as we grow up, we get more stressed up. I realli do respect those people that have the courage to do what they want. Was smsing richard the other day, and he told me he's in australia. Im like what the fuck? When the hell did u go to australia man?

He told me he felt like going, and then he spent his bonus on the air tickets and flew there the next week. Wow. That is what i call absolute decision making. He's back in singapore todae, and tml gonna go gym with him.

Toking bout gym, im going there regularly, around 3 or 4 time per week, and as usual, i keep a look out for extraordinary stuffs. Contrary to popular belief, i dun look at gals at the gym, i look at the guys and their training technique. Im not gay, i love gals, so dun even for one moment think im gonna be gay soon. heh.

When ppl go gym, they usually get to know a few regular gym-goers. But im just plain anti-social and i rather stick to my trusty ipod. Gym is a place to train, not to tok and chat. Even when richard and i go gymming, we train hard individually, we rarely tok. The last gym trip, we onli said 3 sentences to each other thru out the training.
1)"I go warm-up le, see you later."
2)"Shag sia, how's your progress?"
3)"You done yet? im done and good to go, tell me when u're ready."

Saw kert in skool todae, he shrinked man, but can see he's more defined now. And he commented that my body shrinked too, but i tink my face is still round. Sigh. Wat to do, patience ba. Im just glad that im training regularly now, no matter what it is, its still beneficial in the long run.

Jason's : In ah sen's world, fate does not exist.

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