The Black Lotus
Im in a crisis now. Fuck man. I just hope the additional weight is muscle mass, and not the fats coming back. My body shrinked, but my face is still kinda round leh. Sigh, yet again something within me tells me tis all takes time.The tears of an angel. This is one picture i find to be damn cool. I paste here show u peeps ba. heh. And before i forget, credits to and diane, the author of this picture.

This is the type of photography that i wanna do in future when i have money. The crystallization of a moment in time, where the feelings and emotions of a particular person at a specific time is captured. (but i tink this picture is photo-shoped lah, hahass.)
Alrite, now onto what i did todae. Went to kembangan to help out at a family event in the open field. Its fucking hot and my face is fried, yes, its tomato red nw. Was pumping balloons at the booth using a balloon pump, and we did a realli silly experiment. We inhaled helium gas and our voice instantly became those cartoonish voice. lols
i dun kw how come helium changes ppl voice, maybe later i go google it up. Its realli hilarious lah, when grown men sound like some sissy cartoon character. hahass. And then the job itself was veri veri tiring and taxing, we're like standing all the way and the kids flock in to get balloons.
Its kinda sad to see the parents teaching the kids to take ALOT of balloons, u kw, kinda like impart the kiasu attitude to them during such a young age. The Q is alreadi freaking long, and then they wan like 5 balloons? Singaporeans. sigh.
Overall todae was quite an experience lah, though its quite shiong. I believe no matter how hard the going gets, we always get to learn something from each and every event. There's no 'vegetables' todae, the onli 'veges' there are 'bean sprouts'. Anyways im still onli interested in 'black lotus', so i dun realli give a damn.
3 more days to first day of skool, kinda happy, but abit sian after realizing i needa spend tons of money on textbooks. Next semester have lots of theory modules, so need textbooks... or maybe i hiong ba, i get LM and SM text nia, the others fuck it ba. hehe.
People laugh, ppl ridicule. I even once doubted myself. But its my choice, so i shouldnt be doubting myself. They can laugh, they can ridicule, i made the decision, i chose my route. Strength of character and will is something i lack in the past, so im not gonna give in anymore.
Reservist, its back to bug me, and as usual, my application got rejected, so i appealed. Most prob will get rejected again, and then i shall do the usual stuff, go find MP again. I dun realli feel wonderful, having to keep seeking the help of my MP for a deferment so that i can concentrate on my studies and projects. Its like finding someone of higher authority to pressure on my CO, i dun realli wanna do that man, but my studies are definitely more important, so yeah, gonna use authority.
Sunday run, monday gym, tuesday swim. Wednesday whole day of lessons, though its all RMIT visits, so i foresee it will be kinda useless. Overseas lecturer visits are a complete waste of time, i tink they should stop this practice man.
The life style of the rich and ang-moh educated. Pretty gals, clubbing nights, flashy cars. They onli shop at label shops, and their rooms are like a mini apartment. Was reading up on some of their lifestyles, and i do have some opinions on them. A black lotus is one in a million, rich red roses are all around. I choose rarity over quantity anytime.
Jason's : Of kids and balloons and helium gases.
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