Okay, second thing, im called back for reservist. I have no qualms about serving the nation but im supposd to have exams during tat period, so ya, im going to defer it. Its abit sad because i DO sort of wanna go for overseas training at australia man.... The farking huge flies, the kangaroo shits, the 40 degrees 'normal' weather and the totally 'enjoyable' outfield encampments... gosh, i even missed not bathing for 10 days on a row man! Hahass! Yeah, lets get dirty~~ :P
Third thing is violence. Been reading the papers and realised violence do add some spice into our urban life. People blame violence on tv shows and movies, but i beg to differ. Violence is in our genes, we are elementarily barbarians although we claimed to have evolved into something of a higher tier. We dun watch shows and go around imitating them by killing people, we MADE the shows in the first place. If watching violent shows make us prone to enforce violence, then watching porn make us go around raping ppl? Watching gay shows make us gay? Moral of the story is, we are what we are, not what we watch. Violence is not all the time 'childish' and 'uncivilized', it sometimes serves a complementary role in justice and as perversely as it sounds, serves as a remedy for a unbalanced psychological state of mind. What made me tok about this violence issue? The V-Tech shootings. What happened was a bastard that actually had a loose wire that went around killing innocent ppl. The kids wanted to study for a better future, and yet he ended their dreams and ambitions with a bullet. The one thing he did right was shooting himself, because he simply does not deserve to live, after what he did, i wont even bury him, i would let the vultures peck at his god forsaken body and live him to rot. That farking bastard.
But this issue actually dug out a hidden problem, how many of these farkers are living among us now? Coming to tink of it, although we pay more for just about every fark thing in our country, at least these type of bastards dun have access to a gun. :)
Alrite, enough bout him. No point further exemplifying this issue. We shall tok about something much better, myself. LOLX! What i wanna say is, i tot i got over my crush, but i realised todae that i havent, the fire sort of reignited itself. hahass! But i tink im basically sane when it comes to crushes lah, i kw its not gonna go into something deeper especially when im gonna keep mum about it. heehee. What matters is everytime i see her, im happy can le, pretty pretty~~!!
This few days, i've been wearing my army-black-spectacles to skool, not because i wanna look studious, but because i've ran out of contact lens and im too lazy to go pick up new stocks from ah yap. Why? Because ah yap's shop is at Great World City. Farking far rite? Nbzzzzzzz....=.="
But i tink wearing specs not bad lah, can look nerdy and studious, give good impression that im a good student mah. :)
Hao le, its theory time. Todae we shall take a look at a very special theory called the Charismatic Paradox. Have u ever seen some people that is has looks, body and money, yet u totally dislike them? Yupz, its that common. People that seemingly has all these signs of perfection did not infact attract admiration and appear as charismatic, but on the contrary turns people off. Some of us have bi-polar tendencies, meaning either we totally fall for these ppl, or totally gets turned off, few of us exists in between. Charisma, it seems can onli go up to a certain level, and then further implications of it results in a downward spiral. Too much of something is always a bad thing, and the same goes for charisma. Therefore, in order to avoid this paradox effect, there must be some sort of counter-attraction personality involved to dilute the charismatic saturation. That's where the flaws come into play, i once theorized that imperfection is the new perfection rite? This point further enhances that theory. A person that is too perfect is simply not realistically possible to approach and truly befriend, whereas someone that is seemingly nearly perfect, yet is constrained by some flaws is actually the person that everybody will lean towards.
Therefore the conclusion is this, imperfection serves as a communal point/gateway to allow other people to approach and understand u. The best thing is, people complement and supplement each other, what u lack might be what ppl will be inputing into ur life, and what u will be giving what they lack. :)
Finally im done with the crapping. lolx. But its all just food for thought, not to serve as statutory statements. hahass :P Anyways, i've sort of put in a jukebox just for u ppl to listen to. im nice rite? lolx. The songs are nice, Xuan Lu is veri touching too. Enjoy!
Jason's Famous Quotes : Chi Xiang Jiao, La Er Hu!
Did You Know? : Snails and Slugs become water when u put salt on them.
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