Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Why can't people have more faith in people? Frends for 13 yrs, been thru thick and thin, yet because of a gal he dun trust me. And to add insult to injury, its because of a small and silly incident. It seems what is within will eventually surface. He's been keeping it within himself for some years now and i didnt notice it. He has inferior-complex.

It all started one fine day last year, when he introduced a gal called Bel to me. He told me she's a nice gal and we went to watch movie together. And so bel and i got to kw each other's existence. One month later, in msn, he added me to a conversation between both of them, and i chatted abit and suggested going to sing ktv. Bel sore throat so ktv cancelled. End of part 1 of story.

Part 2, bel set up a webby to sell clothes and accessories. He informed me to go see see and patronize. Went to the webby, not interested. Since i have her msn alreadi, went to ask her wanna go sing anot. Bel's fine with singing ktv, went to ask him. He said dun want, asked him why, he say he working, told him to change to afternoon shift so we could go sing, i long long time never sing alreadi. He gave attitude problem and gave me lame excuses not to sing. Accepted the fact and went out to sing with my other frens so as to satisfy my singing craving.

Part 3. Reached home late last weekend, went online to look for the guys to game. Everybody slept alreadi, so lonely me went to msn to look for ppl to chat. Happened to see bel online, chatted abit, she told me got new stocks for guys, went to see see. Noticed nice striped shirts that i wanted but was unsure of quality, so need to meet up to see the shirts and pay for them. Suggested going to sing again because shun bian mah.Also got her number so that can contact to collect shirts.

Smsed him to inform him and ask whether he free anot, cause i missed singing with him. I asked him 2 weeks ago to sing with richard too, but he wasnt free so this week ask him again lor, anyways bel is his fren, so i dun wanna go out with her alone. The first reply i got was " How u contact her? msn?". Was suspicious, but replied 'ya'. Instantly he's mood changed and showed me attitude problem. He smsed me " U like her izzit? Give u ba. U and her make cool and good couple."

Mentally i was like WTF? and i replied " Pls dun get the wrong idea, we are frens onli and im buying clothes from her, that's y need to meet her."
He replied " Dun lie lah, i kw u like her. Give u ba. I not free to sing, u go with her alone can le."
i was sort of pissed and replied "Dun tink too much lah, since u dun like it, cancel ba. No point u suspect me like tat."
He replied " Nvm lah, u go with her alone ba. Enjoy."
I gave up. Fuck it. Pissed.

Part 4. Todae bel smsed me to tell me this thursday she free, ask whether wanna go sing ktv anot. Forwarded the msg to him to make sure he dun get the wrong idea and to proof to him that we have nothing to hide. He replied " Wah, u got her handphone number alreadi ah? good."
i replied " ya, i buying clothes from her mah, so need to get contacts so can meet up to collect shirts."
He replied " Nvm ba, u and her beri compatible, go with her ba."
I felt damn vexed and replied " Dun tink too much pls, i realli dun like her because i alreadi liked XXXXXX le, my heart is with XXXXXX long ago. Bel is not my type anyways."
He replied "I cant make it, u go with her ba."
I cant stand it le i smsed Bel "Sad, he cant make it on thursday."
Bel replied "Nvm then, sunday i free also, onz?"
I forwarded the msg to him to ask him free notz.
he replied " I cant, sunday my gf with me" ( Yes, he have a girlfriend. )
I reply " kks, nvm ba, then cancel sua."
He replied " Nvm lah, u go with her alone lor, good mah."

And things started to spin out of control le. He smsed Bel saying he dun wanna meet up with her anymore and he smsed me asking me to go for her and tell me he gave up on her.
I am mighty pissed and feels damn fucked. Frends for 13 yrs and now u give me this type of shit? I cant even be bothered to reply him after i tried to appease him for 2 hrs. He is fucking childish can? I have onli toked to her 3 - 4 fucking times and he fucking thinks i wanna woo her?

Worse thing is he went to smsed bel this :" We dun meet anymore ba, i am not scared of (competition from) jason. U both Uni students, he is cool and nice for u, i am not worthy of you."

FUCK LAH, ccb in our 13 yrs of frendship, i have never ever uttered a single word to look down on him. Why the hell he tinks in that way i dun kw, but wat i kw is i am completely mystified and pissed by this issue. He tinks bel looks down on him that's y reject him, but bel does not thinks that way. And knowing him for 13 fucking cb years, i kw he is veri egoistic, no amount of toking can make him admit he is wrong. What i have to say is though he is 25 yrs old, i realli think mentally he is still a kid. He mentally tinks that he is inferior to me, i didnt notice that all along.
No wonder he keeps criticising me whenever he can so that he can seem the better person. Sometimes he is wrong, the whole world knows, but he INSISTS that he is right.

Even in games, he did something wrong, and went into a quarrel with people. I have to clean up after him to iron out the shit he created. All these, he didnt kw. I always need to iron out his shit after him to appease people. And now i guess its the last fucking time im doing tis. I have to sms bel to apologise for his childishness and immaturity. Imagine u are a gal, and u suddenly receive a sms to say 'lets not meet anymore." Knn fucking childish can? Its not even anybody's fault.

I buy clothes, she sell clothes, we go out sing TOGETHER as 3 FRENDS, and he tinks i wanna tackle her then kiong her at his expense. We made a pact 12 yrs ago when we were still kids, that we will be truthful to our girlfrens/wife and will never target each other's gals. I still vividly remember that pact and i can honourably say that i upheld it till this moment. He voided the first part about being truthful and faithful to his gf, but i swear upon the heavens that i have not broken our childhood promise.

All in all, he simply dun trust me at all. I told him umpteen times im waiting for 'her' and will certainly never fall for bel. He's inferior complex is taking over his senses and he is blindly imagining stuffs. Studies wise he might not be that proficient, but he has other skills as well, yet he simply can see all these. Why look at things that u dun have? Might as well examine what u have and treasure them. People, if u all reading this, give it some thought, dun be like my best buddy, dun feel inferior, look at ur strenghts...

Jason's Famous Quotes: Look at what u have, rather then what u dun have.

Did You Know?: Im unethically in love.

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