My blog might not be as interesting as other ppl's blog, but to me, its the best in the world, simply because i recounts all my these 2 yrs of living. Who kws wat will i be after 5 yrs from now? i might be blogging here as a entirely different person. But noone will kw the answer, onli time will tell.
Was having probability lecture 2 days ago in skool, and i was tinking about tis veri philosophical maths question.
Q: What is the probability of the probability of a probable outcome becoming probable?
lols, the prob lesson was abit easy, hence i need to tink of something to make it more worthwhile staying in the lecture instead of dozing off.. hahasss. Walking out of the past image, i have yet arrived at another problematic stage in my life. Im still dragging somethings from my past with me to the present. What is it? im not saying. heehee...
Watever, im rotting at home these days, simply because of 1 fact, im broke.. hahasss i guess my mum is rite, when i stay at home, most prob i have no money to go out ba. wootz, mum kws me best.. :P Im also contemplating to write a song now, for who i dun kw, for wat i also dun kw, so juz write ba, and dun fill in name until 'she' comes along or back. =)
Everybody is rushing the OB assignment lor, i dun understand y, but to me, the assignment is a breeze. lolx, not tat im cocky or wat lah, but take it easy mah, rushing and worrying about the assignment is like so dumb lor, juz take it easy, and its onli a 1000 words essay mah, 3hrs is the max to finish it lor, y so rush? hmms... typical singaporeans? kiasu kiasee? hahasss :P
And b4 i forget, i will paste the magic book i was toking about most of the time here ba. At least u all will get a idea of wat i meant by the 'magic scrap book', and therefore realised im such a dumb person. :P hahasss joking lahs, i nvr once regretted making the book for adeline, cause i realli like her alot. ^_- here goes:

For those who wonders where is the 7036 names, take a closer look at one of the 'blank' pages...

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