Went singing with aiying todae. wootz, she still sings super well and i sort of croaked thruout the session. hahass... she super de siao one lor, use the 'cartoon' voice to sing those songs, gan funny.. lolx... Todae we went to kbox at jurong east, and i tink the mic there totally sucked, sometimes got sound, sometimes dun have one lor... damn lousy.. zzzz watevers lahs, we are paying so lan lan have to sing, and i showed my slack side again.. hahass, lie down sing ktv, wootz, so comfortable, jittao like my own house like tat.. lolx.... and todae, i realised tat there's a chinese version of 127 days by vanness sia, i tot onli got kangta's korean version.. hmms... but i still like the korean version better. =)
After we sang till around 7pm, we went down to the jap food eating house to eat dinner. we spent around $20 bucks there and ordered alot of food.. hahass.. eat till siao... but the food is not bad... surprisingly... :P After that, went to this fashion with aiying cause she wanna see some clothes.. hmms... realised gal's clothes nowadays abit dull.. all the designs like same same de..
We proceeded home after that and i sent her home cause she stays just opposite my blk.. lolx, that's the advantage with going out with ur primary school fren, house near near, go home also can turbo tok cock. hahasss... she can realli crap seh, i respect her.. ^_-
Once i reached home, i feel super tired and realli wanna sleep early tonite, but as u can see, im still blogging at this hour, which means i failed... 0.0... And the anon ppl who is taggin in my blog, try to identify urself leh, i dun kw who u are lah.. lolx.... And the lastest anon person, i agree with u, asking her frens will prevent alot of mishaps and most prob i cant realli differenciate between love and frendship. hmms... thks whoever u are ya? u seem to kw me quite well in fact.... are u someone close to me??? 0.0??
Thursday, August 31, 2006
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Worried. Dun kw why, but it seems sometimes u simply are afraid of losing something or someone to someone else. Competition they say is healthy and im not afraid of the competition, just tat the notion of losing something or someone important to u looms over ur courage and determination. Lacings of genuinity could be found, yet where does the genuine originate? The source? Somethings when cropped up over time will depreciate, and love is one of these things.
Im not sure what im feeling is rite or wrong, should i actually let myself sink in once again? To prove to myself tat in the end, the light at the end of the tunnel is real? Hope is alive and well?
The competition has made moves, and yet i am static and inmobile, waiting for the correct moment. Will my hesitance result in yet another defeat? Or will my counter-strike yield more injuries to myself? I tried both approaches in the past, and both of which i applied on the wrong battlefield. Insecurity it seems is the main culprit for the defeats, i have special abilities, yet they can't be used in the first phrase of the battle, simply because they dun suit the 1st phrase at all. The enemy onli need deception ( word of mouth) and money (equipment) to herald a total victory over me. I feel totally weak and helpless during the relentless assault of the rich and the unscrupulous.
Okies, enough with the ramblings. Im just toking about some tactical maneuveurs. (Im lying...)
Todae was in skool in the morning to do project with my dear OB grp, and i was late for 45 mins.. -.-"" anyways, while doing project, i used nich's msn to pissed vivian and lilin off. And i do think to some extend its my fault, so fark me. K, since i just screwed myself, im feeling better. No more jokes with them anymore since they cannot take it. period. i dun wanna screw myself again. After the project, we bought food from canteen and ate on the benches outside popular bookstore.
Stats came after lunch and i went in to sleep for the first 30 mins, lolx. Then when i woke up, i paid attention to the lecture and totally understood sampling theory. yes, im that smart, dun question my intelligence. ^_^. And after the break, to my astonishment, elissa finally cannot take the boring lecture anymore and started to draw LA BI XIAO XING on my arm... but watevers lah, i let her draw lor, since we both were bored to tears and i sort of need some entertainment. literally. lolx. The drawing turned out quite nice and well, elissa managed to show me another of her traits, drawing dumb cartoons. LOLX. :P
After all these years, i still have a unforgettable song tat never fails to move me when i listen to it in the middle of the night. Daniel chan's 'tie xin'. The song personifies my sentiments and is realli wat i felt.
I knew someone with the figure and looks that i deemed perfect, yet there's simply no chemistry between us. I tried, yet everytime it ended in a explosion and i get condemned. Is there something wrong with me? i guess so, if not i also wont get condemned. If its 1 its still okay, but its 2, i have met 2 such ppl in my life so far.... and to one of them --> Sa Lang Hae You, its still onli meant for u. hope ur are doing well in skool.
On a final note, i guess i've learnt to cheat and lie to myself more then anything these few yrs. Maybe the trauma was too great, i've learnt to tell myself that frens can onli be frens and tat some people are not my type. I was totally wrong regarding tis perspective, i wanted someone who had a b cup and above, height around 170 and has no pimples. But i overlooked the most important criteria, chemistry. Being able to feel comfortable around someone and u kw u can be urself and tat person will accept u for who u realli are, that, indeed is most crucial when looking for someone to settle down with. Close ur eyes, dun look at her, listen to her and converse with her, u will understand what i mean. That's y according to a new theorem thought out by me, people who have lost their sense of sight have gained a invaluable sense: sincerity. People that cannot see are the most sincere people in the world, they observe the world with purely their hearts, with no biase element in their judgement...
Monday, August 28, 2006
Prevalent Despair...
Somethings realli aint meant to be known, I shouldnt have asked, since the answer is resounding thru my ears again and again. I sort of expected the given answer, i tot i could handle it since i have heard it countless times, but i sort of got hammered down even though im prepared. Omg, i guess fate simply doesnt like me at all. Again and again sincerity have failed me, i kw tis sounds loser but seriously speaking, tis is a vicious cycle. And i so intent to break this fucked up cycle. The bus trip was realli enlightening, i realised i asked 3 times and when i finally got the answer, i appear non-chalent, but yet there's tis super familiar feeling again... gosh... fark god or who-ever-is-up-there. Im getting realli tired of this fucking cycle and maybe tat's when despair converts into loser-hatred-for-the-world. What can i do to change the perception? i cant. its that simple. But its not from the horse's mouth, so its not tat bad... or is it?
Okies, nw onto daily life.
CAUTION: (Tis paragraph will be abit vulgar, so its not suitable for minors.)
<<<<<[I realised some ppl have been tagging fucked up stuffs in my fren's blog and pls ppl, dun do tis type of fucked up thing can? Nabei read then read lah, why go scold ppl in their blogs? You all wanna read then read lah, put something constructive in the tag, not go insult people. Watever lahs, just dun scold me in my tag board, wanna tag, tag something CONSTRUCTIVE. My mood isnt realli good sometimes so when i blog, i blog with a vengence. So to those intenting to be fucking pua cheebyes in my tag board, dun try. __ -.- __ ]>>>>>
Todae was OB class and i was late by 15 mins as usaul. Met alina on the way to skool and hence we went in together. OB was not that boring and after lessons, went on to do project with elissa and nich and alina. Was quite productive todae, we churned out a executive summary and a introduction, muahaha, we are smart people okay? Tml morning need to go to skool early to do the report seh, so tiring lahs... nb... but nvm, for the 5k i paid, i need to study. WOOTZ.
Oh ya, we ate at megabites after classes and the food was quite bad. My fish and chips was cold and clammy and it realli sux. And pertaining to the sucky food, i saw another person i dun like. In my skool, there's a few guys that i dun like at all, see their face alreadi i alreadi feel my blood boiling. I dun stereotype ppl much, but these people, once i see the face, i kw they aint no good ppl. Im NEVER a wrong judge of ppl in my life b4, and when ppl get burned/hurt, they come to me telling me im so rite about the person. But the gist of the problem is, i tell ppl the person is evil to PREVENT them from getting hurt, and yet they onli realised im rite AFTER they got burned... haiz... ppl, ppl, ppl... wake up pls? So in the end, i dun tell ppl who is those evil ppl anymore, cause ppl might tink im crapping or jealous or petty or some sort of stewpid reaction.
In my lecture class, there's quite a number of these sort of beasts but i choose to keep my mouth shut, in case my frens tink im mad or something. But i will always have tis obvious distain for these beings, and once they touch or hurt my frens, the consequences is a simple 3 words. DIE.
Went to jurong point to shop for rei's bday present with the grp and bought rei a colonge for him. wootz, GAME by davidoff... nice fragrance, i tink i will get one for myself when my pay comes... muahahahasss... After that, elaine,nich, rice and me went to eat LJS, and suddenly my phone ranged. To my surprise its corinne... lolx, in that instance, alot of images flashed past my mind, why did she sms me? Its seems she had some difficulties with her current company and wanted someone to tok to, and i called her when i reached hm to sort of counsel her. Its intriguing how come after not contacting for so long, we still spoke like best frends on the phone with no awkwardness in between... there;s not a single moment when there's silence, we juz chatter on and on.... lolx... its feels so good when u kw she is a fren, a real fren tis time round. ^_^
And by some unknown coincidence, once i ended corinne's call, aiying smsed me for dinner... nb i todae like super busy like tat.... She wanted to eat KFC and jio me out to eat, so rare lor, i used to call her go eat fish porridge with me she always lazy one, but todae dun kw y so special...lolx..
Anyways b4 meeting aiying, i still had some time to train abit, so on came my gloves and i had a fun time boxing away, at the same time recapping tat guy's stupid face. Feel the heat baby! Fear rages, blood pumps, death beckons! grrrr~~~!!!
And on a final note, i reached home at around 9 plus and started to make my wallpaper. a personalized wallpaper... lolx.. so fun lors, wallpaper lehs... siao siao. I will upload into my phone and use it, then tml show off to my frens! WOOTZ!
Friday, August 25, 2006
Wee... my birthday is over le. and im officially 23 nw... omg, im so old le.. hahas... birthday resolution = train train train. Yesterday was a fun day, and ytd was also the day when i realised how important frens are. I might not show it on my face, but in my heart, im juz glad i had my frens with me. Ah tan, nich, XH, rei and alina, thks for celebrating my birthday with me. And i purposely left someone out simply because the next section is going to be her her her and her. hahasss :P
Elissa, if u are reading tis, thks for everything ya? im not super sure u are the mastermind but it certainly seems so. Having a fren like u is realli one of the blessings god-or-whoever-is-up-there have given me. Totally appreciate wat you've done gal, totally. U may be dumb sometimes, but tat makes u special, and after knowing u for sometime, u are not TAT dumb after all. lolx...
And before i forget, u are NOT balding lah, dun turbo repeat and tell ppl u're balding lah, so dumb lor.. hahasss :P I promise u tat i will not forget wat you've done and when ur birthday comes, be sure i will make it a special one. heehee.. =) (And ppl, thanks for the wallet ya? Just wat i needed. hahass)
Sometimes, true frens appear just when u needed them, which people are realli sincere frens and which are just passerbys u can see straight away. Now i kw who are the people tat realli cares and would gladly make the effort to come to swensen to celebrate my bday for me,not forgeting those that smsed me or msned me ya? Frends, thks for making the difference. ^_^
Yesterday afternoon, i started on my weights again le. lolx, was listening to 'its raining' and 'scandal' and i was grooving to the music while i trained. wootz, long time never felt so good le..
the burning sensation, the smell and feel of sweat... wah... been a long long time le... muahaha, weights is always fun and tough, makes u feel like a man. And there's a reason for this sudden urge to train up and lose weight, that reason, i wont say.
Alritey, gonna go play dota le, i swear to the farking heavens tat i will finally be ripped. i SWEAR!
Thursday, August 24, 2006
Well well well, todae went to watch tokyo drift and the show was nice lors... the cars.. omg... The gals hot is one thing, but the cars... wah lau a... i can give up the gals in the show juz for the cars lors.... ta ma de.... but i need to be more matured ba. Business comes before cars and luxury. Money makes the world goes round and i will be starting a business soon. heehee.. with my frens tat is. Rei , tan , nich , eli, ali are all interested. wootz, lucky i have so many entrepreneurer frens. hahasss. ^_^
I've decided to learn the art of charisma, not tat type to cheat ppl, but those type that instills confidence in ppl. In my life, i do have a couple of frens like tat and i realli need to learn. People say charisma is inborn, so i tink i should rephrase my sentence: i need to unlock my charisma. lolx. And in order to do tat, i have and need to lose weight. My blog is not a entire personification of wat i actually am, but its alreadi a close definition. Im not entirely useless it seems, i do have some talents of my own.
And right now while im bloggin, my psychologist-to-be fren mr peter li is analysing someone's personality and maturity level for me.. lolx... the conclusion he give is super farnnie lors.. hahass.. realli made my day lahs. He even quoted some silly study from some legendary psychologist to support his insistence on the person's maturity level lors. hahass...
Hmms, i tink the above entry should suffice for tonite. Im too tired to blog too much on my birthday anyways. happi birthday to me myself and i..... happy birthday jason...
Safety Message of the day: The Wrath Of A Woman Is Deadly.
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Story of 2 Dogs
The above refers to me and xuanhe, i was heading home with xh in a 154 bus juz now and the bus was REALLI SLOW. 10km per hr, and xh went down to ask the bus driver is the bus spoiled and if it is, we will change bus. The uncle was super rude and he started mumbling wat 'little brother and little sister hold hands go and die' in chinese, i tot the uncle was crazy and was funny and i laughed, but when he mumbled something about 2 dogs, i instantly went into EVIL mode and asked xh is he insulting us, i was going to walk to the uncle and land punches on him le, but xh dissuaded me and pulled me off the bus at clementi to change to bus 99. The farking cb uncle farking heng, ccb. Once i start hit him, i cfm let him lie down one, cb attitude problem. I was so mad lor, he's realli lucky, i might not be a good fighter, but i can and will finish him in 5 punches.
I hope he farking die tomolo or maybe when he go home today let car bang then roll over him till he stick to the tar on the road. cb kia. fark him. gan si lang tulanz sia.
Kk, anyways, lets move on. Todae went to play pool again and we continued or league. Rei was super suay todae seh, hahass, he turbo miss the hole and we laughed like siao over his misfortune sia. hahasss... b4 going for pool though, we had stats lesson and stats is getting abit harder le lors, but logically speaking its still okay for me, although practical wise i didnt do much stats... lolx....
And recounting ytd, i went with the grp to bugis to play pool, and i was certain tat glyn was angry with me stuff, cause i read her blog and realised she kws i blogged about her on the bash thing.... omg... she's so pissed lahs... aiyoh, anyways i didnt realli dared to speak to her, later she shoot me how? but surprisingly, she's okay leh... in fact i find her nice and normal lors.... lucky she never got super tulanz or something lahs, heng ah. Hmms, maybe she's juz tired tat day ba, in the end she's still nice and stuff lors... hahasss.. :P
On a final note, i trained tis morning and realised my fists weakened le lor... ta ma de, too long never trained, the knuckles also softhened le... haiz.... weak le lahs... nvm, shall slowly build it up again. Tml will do weights in the morning and start the cycle all over again, maybe will go down run a round or 2 to lose weight ba. lolx, i want a donnie yen body!!! hahass... try my best to achieve that ba... Beautiful body, here i come! 0.0""
Sunday, August 20, 2006
Woo...woo...woo..., todae was a busy busy day... lolx.. or should i say ytd? hahasss, i juz reached home from boat quay. hahass, ytd nite was my skool's bash at DXO and frankly, its not fun at all lor. Realli boring and no fun at all, but luckily at least my frens they all are good self entertainers and we're tried real hard. hahass.. There's the pagaent thingy going on at the bash, and as expected, reilly emerged the guy winner. wee you wee! the 'johnny bravo' go eat dung! If u're wondering who is johnny bravo, he is juz some cock that i dun wanna tok about. Anyways, glynis and elissa were also in the pagaent and they are pretty lors... but glynis walks and dances like a donald duck and elissa was sooooooo kinky in her french maid outfit.. lolx, but the best was rei, he was in a pilot outfit and he looks so smart and sharp in that lor... sometimes realli envy his boyish good looks.. :P but im not bad looking myself too, provided i slim down.. -.-"" lolx.
Anyways glyn met up with us after the event ended but elissa went to join her student council frens. hmms, wasted, could have disturbed her and laughed my heads off. LOLX.
then we juz nua around and went to have supper at glutton's bay, then went back to DXO to shake butts.. by then most ppl alreadi went home and its around 3am le, we danced abit then around 330am, we went to slack and lie around at lvl 2 till 4am when DXO closes. After that, we proceeded to the walkway beside singapore river and slack there till around 530am+++, then slowly went to macdonalds at boat quay for breakfast.
At macs, i wanted to give glyn my big breakfast because she says my meal should be hers but the auntie gave it to me instead and told her to wait. And naturally, i offered her my meal lah, since im not tat hungry, and yet she scolded me... i mean wat the? zzzz, then i simply sianz 1/2 and dun realli wanna tok anymore. Am i wrong? i dun tink so lor... watevers, screw it, i cant be bothered le, and i tink glyn kws im tulanz also. but heck lah, since she dun like me so much, then might as well tok less to her ba, i dun wanna get scolded for nothing.
Recapping, i actually engaged in some meaningful conversations with alina while we are at the bay slacking, lolx. most of the guys and gals are sleeping and dying around, yet alina and me are so fit and we tok about some relationship stuffs.. hahasss... dun kw y, i trust her alot and i told her bits and pieces of my legends... *_*... i dun usaully tell gals about my legends and stuffs, mostly i tell guy frens onli. ^_^ I guess alina can be trusted ba.. hahasss =)
Elissa the poor poor thing, i heard from glyn tat she need to wax her lips because the pageant person says she got those small small moustache and is unsightly. I mean come on lor, its because of those stuff tat made her cute lor, and they made her do tat.. kaoz.. and in the end it became sensitive and reddish lor... ta ma de, dun kw which gay shit told her to do tat, so poor thing sia.
And finally b4 i go out once again, i have decided to train up once again. lolx, dun kw how long tis will last ba, cause i got period de, but i realli wanna train and be like donnie yen. tat is wat i call a fighter, he has martial arts background and is realli realli zai. god bless i can continue my 3 min hotness ba... lolz... kk, gtg, chill and peace ppl!
Friday, August 18, 2006
Todae went to NLB at bugis to study for my accts test tml. lolx, on the way, i met with some realli funny stuffss... hahass....
Event 1:
A guy sat beside me and he have the dry skin disease, the scarbima or something like tat de. so he was turbo scatching lor, and his flakes all fly around.. wah kaoz, i realli wanna whack him lor, i have nothing against ppl like him lah, i understand noone wants tis type of disease also, but pls be considerate and dun spread the flakes around mah. kaoz. Here comes the best part, he feel asleep and NEARLY lie on my shoulder... wah lan a.. gay lah, and guess wat i did? I use my leg to bang his leg to wake him up. hahsss.. *evil* then i gave him my trademark 'boxer glare'! wootz, he instantly sat up straight and look infront.. lolx.. so funny lor.. hahasss
Event 2:
I went to mcdonalds at bugis to buy chocolate milkshake, then the gal asked me 3 times i want take away or having in. i repeated 3 times i want take away, then u kw wat? she took out a tray and put everthing on the tray and gave me the tray.. -.-... wah lau a, i want TAKE AWAY lor, kaoz, damn dumb sia, she keep looking at me intensively and in the end nvr took my order correctly... wat the??? zzzzz
Event 3:
Reached NLB finally, was there for awhile and spotted a cute gal. lolx... nich and the others all there le, i sat down and studied for like 1 hr, then i finish le. short and sweet, i dun like to dwell on a thing too long, its juz dumb. I dun like to waste time, wat i like to do is go in, do wat u need to do, then go off. i HATE ppl who dily-daly ( i kw spell wrongly, but wth :P) and waste time, hence when i go out with my group, i dun like it when they nua here stand there wait for this and that. People like to chat and tok cock in their own world and stand there like dumb dumb like tat. And nich and the ppl did juz tat, i simply took my bag and farked off to bugis junction to walk around, and when they called me, i told them when they ready then call me ba. see? tat's wat i call a man, dun wait here wait there, a guy must have initiative and lead by example, dun stand and wait for some miracle to happen. period.
Okay, finished with todae's events. now on to my new philosophy tat i pondered about on my way home from bugis. DEATH IS THE EPITOME OF MATURITY. yupz, tat sums up my tots on the mrt. Its quite true rite? when someone is nearing death, and when ppl die, his/her whole life will flash by him/her in a instance from his birth up to his present state. And he/she shall see his/her actions and reflect upon them and tat state is wat i called STATE OF PERFECT HARMONIOM. Its a state when he/she will gain the ultimate enlightenment, viewing him/herself from the perspective of a completely different entity. wootz. smart ya? thks. :P
K le ba, go sleep le, tml got alot of shyt to settle. hahass.. gd luck to my accts test tml! ciaoz@!
Event 1:
A guy sat beside me and he have the dry skin disease, the scarbima or something like tat de. so he was turbo scatching lor, and his flakes all fly around.. wah kaoz, i realli wanna whack him lor, i have nothing against ppl like him lah, i understand noone wants tis type of disease also, but pls be considerate and dun spread the flakes around mah. kaoz. Here comes the best part, he feel asleep and NEARLY lie on my shoulder... wah lan a.. gay lah, and guess wat i did? I use my leg to bang his leg to wake him up. hahsss.. *evil* then i gave him my trademark 'boxer glare'! wootz, he instantly sat up straight and look infront.. lolx.. so funny lor.. hahasss
Event 2:
I went to mcdonalds at bugis to buy chocolate milkshake, then the gal asked me 3 times i want take away or having in. i repeated 3 times i want take away, then u kw wat? she took out a tray and put everthing on the tray and gave me the tray.. -.-... wah lau a, i want TAKE AWAY lor, kaoz, damn dumb sia, she keep looking at me intensively and in the end nvr took my order correctly... wat the??? zzzzz
Event 3:
Reached NLB finally, was there for awhile and spotted a cute gal. lolx... nich and the others all there le, i sat down and studied for like 1 hr, then i finish le. short and sweet, i dun like to dwell on a thing too long, its juz dumb. I dun like to waste time, wat i like to do is go in, do wat u need to do, then go off. i HATE ppl who dily-daly ( i kw spell wrongly, but wth :P) and waste time, hence when i go out with my group, i dun like it when they nua here stand there wait for this and that. People like to chat and tok cock in their own world and stand there like dumb dumb like tat. And nich and the ppl did juz tat, i simply took my bag and farked off to bugis junction to walk around, and when they called me, i told them when they ready then call me ba. see? tat's wat i call a man, dun wait here wait there, a guy must have initiative and lead by example, dun stand and wait for some miracle to happen. period.
Okay, finished with todae's events. now on to my new philosophy tat i pondered about on my way home from bugis. DEATH IS THE EPITOME OF MATURITY. yupz, tat sums up my tots on the mrt. Its quite true rite? when someone is nearing death, and when ppl die, his/her whole life will flash by him/her in a instance from his birth up to his present state. And he/she shall see his/her actions and reflect upon them and tat state is wat i called STATE OF PERFECT HARMONIOM. Its a state when he/she will gain the ultimate enlightenment, viewing him/herself from the perspective of a completely different entity. wootz. smart ya? thks. :P
K le ba, go sleep le, tml got alot of shyt to settle. hahass.. gd luck to my accts test tml! ciaoz@!
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
Aiseh, todae got a few stuffs to blog le. lolx. ytd i went to pool club again, and guess what, i lost 4 match in a row... kaoz... the feeling or losing sux, dun kw y, but the stewpid ball juz doesnt wanna go into the damn hole. zzzz, the whole evening i've been losing and i feel so bored.
and when there was once i was going to win, nich have 5 balls on the table, and i onli have the black ball, and when i shoot the black ball into the hole, i smiled and tot i won.... until the my stupid white ball bounced around the table and went into a hole.... O M G~~~ wah lan a... i lost lor... sianz lor....
Then when i reached home, i wanted to link ppl to my blog, so i went to a fren's new blog to take alook, and i realised she's been thru something realli bad. No wonder tat time tok to her on msn she said she was busy.. -.-" hmms, should have checked out her blog earlier ba, then at least i kw wat's happening. ^_^ Life sometimes i full of ups and downs, humans need to move on in life ya? i hope tis helps u. =)
Another sad news is that my mum told me tis morning was that my senior grandma has passed away tis morning at 5am+. I tink i have alot of grandmas, lolx, altogether, i have 4 grandmas, 2 from my dad side and 2 from my mum sia. i onli have 2 grandpas. lolx.. the grandma that passed on was from my dad's side, she's no my dad's mother, hence i wasnt veri close to her.
Im supposed to visit her at hougang todae, and yet... i guess no need le.. haiz... its quite saddening to know another of ur grandparents have left the world. Im now left with 4 grandparents...
Thinking about the topic, i realised tat in the end, everybody have to leave. And everybody includes me, i will grow old and die. tat's the best scenario tat can happen, cause nowadays ppl die from car accidents , suicide bombings, bird flu and etc... So to be able to grow old and die peacefully in ur sleep is alreadi considered a blessing. ya, veri true coming to terms with the fatality rate nowadays.
I need to finish up my OB assignment tonite, cause friday is dateline, and im still playing maple.. hahass, sometimes, even im surprised at my no-stress attitude. Im not irresponsible by the way, i completed my work fast, and i earned my slack time. lolx. :P Im not saying im smart or being cocky lah, its juz that im a fast worker and i can produce in limited time provided i am in the mood. heeheee.... wootz.... so boring leh my blog, cannot in the nxt entry, shall inject some humour in. lolx... CRUDE HUMOUR. *_*
Aiseh, todae got a few stuffs to blog le. lolx. ytd i went to pool club again, and guess what, i lost 4 match in a row... kaoz... the feeling or losing sux, dun kw y, but the stewpid ball juz doesnt wanna go into the damn hole. zzzz, the whole evening i've been losing and i feel so bored.
and when there was once i was going to win, nich have 5 balls on the table, and i onli have the black ball, and when i shoot the black ball into the hole, i smiled and tot i won.... until the my stupid white ball bounced around the table and went into a hole.... O M G~~~ wah lan a... i lost lor... sianz lor....
Then when i reached home, i wanted to link ppl to my blog, so i went to a fren's new blog to take alook, and i realised she's been thru something realli bad. No wonder tat time tok to her on msn she said she was busy.. -.-" hmms, should have checked out her blog earlier ba, then at least i kw wat's happening. ^_^ Life sometimes i full of ups and downs, humans need to move on in life ya? i hope tis helps u. =)
Another sad news is that my mum told me tis morning was that my senior grandma has passed away tis morning at 5am+. I tink i have alot of grandmas, lolx, altogether, i have 4 grandmas, 2 from my dad side and 2 from my mum sia. i onli have 2 grandpas. lolx.. the grandma that passed on was from my dad's side, she's no my dad's mother, hence i wasnt veri close to her.
Im supposed to visit her at hougang todae, and yet... i guess no need le.. haiz... its quite saddening to know another of ur grandparents have left the world. Im now left with 4 grandparents...
Thinking about the topic, i realised tat in the end, everybody have to leave. And everybody includes me, i will grow old and die. tat's the best scenario tat can happen, cause nowadays ppl die from car accidents , suicide bombings, bird flu and etc... So to be able to grow old and die peacefully in ur sleep is alreadi considered a blessing. ya, veri true coming to terms with the fatality rate nowadays.
I need to finish up my OB assignment tonite, cause friday is dateline, and im still playing maple.. hahass, sometimes, even im surprised at my no-stress attitude. Im not irresponsible by the way, i completed my work fast, and i earned my slack time. lolx. :P Im not saying im smart or being cocky lah, its juz that im a fast worker and i can produce in limited time provided i am in the mood. heeheee.... wootz.... so boring leh my blog, cannot in the nxt entry, shall inject some humour in. lolx... CRUDE HUMOUR. *_*
Monday, August 14, 2006
Well well well, ppl have start to complain i blog too much on my love life le.. hahass... actually i also tink so lor, nb almost 95% of my entries is gals gals gals, i need to intro u ppl to my life. =)
All right, lets start. Todae went to NLB to study with elissa, turn out i went there to nua and help her edit her essay. My essay onli needs a little touching up here and there, then refine abit the references then the whole thing will be done le. heehee.
Lets see, morning i woke up at around 11am, then ate chilli fishball kway teow, the fishball smell funny de, cause my lao bu bought the thingy at around 8am. lolx.. then after tat, played a little maple to lvl up to lvl 12. I kw its a gay game, but my frens playing leh, so need to play also mah.
then went to NLB meet elissa, on the way there, i bought some corochan and a apple juice for her, but reach there le realised cannot bring food in sia. ta ma de, in the end need to call eli out and eat outside lors.. ge dumb. -.-""
Guess who else i met in the library? lolx, i met my OG leaders baoyu and sharon(i tink tat's her name...) sia. hahass, singapore so small lor, like tat also can see each other.. lolx. :P Heng heng they also doing research there, so jittao call them vet my essay for me cause they senior mah. wootz, im smart, i kw it. dun need to tell me. ^_^ V
Anyways after tat, elissa went home to eat bak kut teh, and i joined nich and ah tan and clarice for dinner at the bugis market hawker centre. nothing much there to see and eat lor, but there;s this cai tao kuay stall tat got alot of ppl line up, we went to buy also, tinking got Q = good food....
in the end... disappointed, totally normal lor. sianz, waste money. zzz
tomolo going to skool in the afternoon, then got pool again! wee you wee! these few days, i've been itching to play pool, but noones wanna go cause they say keep playing pool veri sianz.. kaoz... but one thing is still on my mind, i haben came out with my OB assignment's final draft... lolx... nvm, shall nua and wrap up the whole thing last min, cause tat is my trademark finisher. wootz <*_*>
Well well well, ppl have start to complain i blog too much on my love life le.. hahass... actually i also tink so lor, nb almost 95% of my entries is gals gals gals, i need to intro u ppl to my life. =)
All right, lets start. Todae went to NLB to study with elissa, turn out i went there to nua and help her edit her essay. My essay onli needs a little touching up here and there, then refine abit the references then the whole thing will be done le. heehee.
Lets see, morning i woke up at around 11am, then ate chilli fishball kway teow, the fishball smell funny de, cause my lao bu bought the thingy at around 8am. lolx.. then after tat, played a little maple to lvl up to lvl 12. I kw its a gay game, but my frens playing leh, so need to play also mah.
then went to NLB meet elissa, on the way there, i bought some corochan and a apple juice for her, but reach there le realised cannot bring food in sia. ta ma de, in the end need to call eli out and eat outside lors.. ge dumb. -.-""
Guess who else i met in the library? lolx, i met my OG leaders baoyu and sharon(i tink tat's her name...) sia. hahass, singapore so small lor, like tat also can see each other.. lolx. :P Heng heng they also doing research there, so jittao call them vet my essay for me cause they senior mah. wootz, im smart, i kw it. dun need to tell me. ^_^ V
Anyways after tat, elissa went home to eat bak kut teh, and i joined nich and ah tan and clarice for dinner at the bugis market hawker centre. nothing much there to see and eat lor, but there;s this cai tao kuay stall tat got alot of ppl line up, we went to buy also, tinking got Q = good food....
in the end... disappointed, totally normal lor. sianz, waste money. zzz
tomolo going to skool in the afternoon, then got pool again! wee you wee! these few days, i've been itching to play pool, but noones wanna go cause they say keep playing pool veri sianz.. kaoz... but one thing is still on my mind, i haben came out with my OB assignment's final draft... lolx... nvm, shall nua and wrap up the whole thing last min, cause tat is my trademark finisher. wootz <*_*>
Whole day rotted at home. Downloaded maple story, played abit. Not as bad as i thought. Wanted to go suntanning with stuart tml, but he humji, say tml maybe pool neber open.. = =""
There's alot tat's been happening these few days, juz 2 days ago, i went out with ah tan they all at nite. lolx.. ah tan and elaine drove me,nich,rei and jeanette out. We went to bedok to eat first, then after tat around 11+ we went to changi see bapo, lolx. then we went changi beach near the tekong ferry terminal to see aeroplanes. After that we went to pasir ris park to see ppl fish prawns, then finally we went geylang eat beancurd and see 'chickens'. hahasss... so happening lors, and while we are at changi, ah tan purposely stopped the car nxt to a ba po and wind down reilly's window lor.. HAHASSS, reilly jittao froze and grab on the door fearing the ba po might rape him.. hahasss :P
That nite was super tiring, i reached home at around 430am, wootz, jittao early lor. ^_^
Hmms, got ppl tagging on my tagboard sia.. hahass, so happi. ^_^ but u all kw, the person tat i realli wanna see tagging on my blog is... lolx... haiz, suan le ba. Anyways, she wont be reading my blog ba.. if u're reading tis, pls tell me are u reading my blog? 1 more mth, after 1 more mth, i will contact u again.... till then, wait for me... =)
There's alot tat's been happening these few days, juz 2 days ago, i went out with ah tan they all at nite. lolx.. ah tan and elaine drove me,nich,rei and jeanette out. We went to bedok to eat first, then after tat around 11+ we went to changi see bapo, lolx. then we went changi beach near the tekong ferry terminal to see aeroplanes. After that we went to pasir ris park to see ppl fish prawns, then finally we went geylang eat beancurd and see 'chickens'. hahasss... so happening lors, and while we are at changi, ah tan purposely stopped the car nxt to a ba po and wind down reilly's window lor.. HAHASSS, reilly jittao froze and grab on the door fearing the ba po might rape him.. hahasss :P
That nite was super tiring, i reached home at around 430am, wootz, jittao early lor. ^_^
Hmms, got ppl tagging on my tagboard sia.. hahass, so happi. ^_^ but u all kw, the person tat i realli wanna see tagging on my blog is... lolx... haiz, suan le ba. Anyways, she wont be reading my blog ba.. if u're reading tis, pls tell me are u reading my blog? 1 more mth, after 1 more mth, i will contact u again.... till then, wait for me... =)
Thursday, August 10, 2006
Hmms, yesterday nite was raining, and as u guys kw by now, rain always make me tink alot. well i admit i was tinking about her, i dun kw why, but when it rains, i always tink about her. i juz put up my tagboard and hence pls tag something after reading about my life ya? thks ^_^
My blog might not be as interesting as other ppl's blog, but to me, its the best in the world, simply because i recounts all my these 2 yrs of living. Who kws wat will i be after 5 yrs from now? i might be blogging here as a entirely different person. But noone will kw the answer, onli time will tell.
Was having probability lecture 2 days ago in skool, and i was tinking about tis veri philosophical maths question.
Q: What is the probability of the probability of a probable outcome becoming probable?
lols, the prob lesson was abit easy, hence i need to tink of something to make it more worthwhile staying in the lecture instead of dozing off.. hahasss. Walking out of the past image, i have yet arrived at another problematic stage in my life. Im still dragging somethings from my past with me to the present. What is it? im not saying. heehee...
Watever, im rotting at home these days, simply because of 1 fact, im broke.. hahasss i guess my mum is rite, when i stay at home, most prob i have no money to go out ba. wootz, mum kws me best.. :P Im also contemplating to write a song now, for who i dun kw, for wat i also dun kw, so juz write ba, and dun fill in name until 'she' comes along or back. =)
Everybody is rushing the OB assignment lor, i dun understand y, but to me, the assignment is a breeze. lolx, not tat im cocky or wat lah, but take it easy mah, rushing and worrying about the assignment is like so dumb lor, juz take it easy, and its onli a 1000 words essay mah, 3hrs is the max to finish it lor, y so rush? hmms... typical singaporeans? kiasu kiasee? hahasss :P
And b4 i forget, i will paste the magic book i was toking about most of the time here ba. At least u all will get a idea of wat i meant by the 'magic scrap book', and therefore realised im such a dumb person. :P hahasss joking lahs, i nvr once regretted making the book for adeline, cause i realli like her alot. ^_- here goes:
<--- The front page. :)
<--- Her likes and dislikes...
<---What is the most beautiful thing?

<--- your heart....
<--- This is where i first saw her on 20th mar 8am..
<---Her seat when she sat beside me...
<---The one and onli time we had breakfast alone...
<---A brief calendar of events... lolx..
<---Calendar part 2..
<---Calendar part 3...
<--- The reason why i like u so much???

<---I have written ur name 7036 times juz to ask for 1 chance...
For those who wonders where is the 7036 names, take a closer look at one of the 'blank' pages...
My blog might not be as interesting as other ppl's blog, but to me, its the best in the world, simply because i recounts all my these 2 yrs of living. Who kws wat will i be after 5 yrs from now? i might be blogging here as a entirely different person. But noone will kw the answer, onli time will tell.
Was having probability lecture 2 days ago in skool, and i was tinking about tis veri philosophical maths question.
Q: What is the probability of the probability of a probable outcome becoming probable?
lols, the prob lesson was abit easy, hence i need to tink of something to make it more worthwhile staying in the lecture instead of dozing off.. hahasss. Walking out of the past image, i have yet arrived at another problematic stage in my life. Im still dragging somethings from my past with me to the present. What is it? im not saying. heehee...
Watever, im rotting at home these days, simply because of 1 fact, im broke.. hahasss i guess my mum is rite, when i stay at home, most prob i have no money to go out ba. wootz, mum kws me best.. :P Im also contemplating to write a song now, for who i dun kw, for wat i also dun kw, so juz write ba, and dun fill in name until 'she' comes along or back. =)
Everybody is rushing the OB assignment lor, i dun understand y, but to me, the assignment is a breeze. lolx, not tat im cocky or wat lah, but take it easy mah, rushing and worrying about the assignment is like so dumb lor, juz take it easy, and its onli a 1000 words essay mah, 3hrs is the max to finish it lor, y so rush? hmms... typical singaporeans? kiasu kiasee? hahasss :P
And b4 i forget, i will paste the magic book i was toking about most of the time here ba. At least u all will get a idea of wat i meant by the 'magic scrap book', and therefore realised im such a dumb person. :P hahasss joking lahs, i nvr once regretted making the book for adeline, cause i realli like her alot. ^_- here goes:

For those who wonders where is the 7036 names, take a closer look at one of the 'blank' pages...

Sunday, August 06, 2006
Todae changed my blog outline.. muahaha... looks better ba. i shouldnt stay tat stale le.
anyways, tis few days have been a good kid and was at home thruout, simply because im finantially dry. T_T... wanna go out also bo lui, my fren jio me go watch long hu men and fast and the furious also no money sia, cb one. But heck lah, i dun kw y, i rot too much in the end took out my guitar and started playing again.. lolx.. suddenly the urge to compose came back le.. hahass... wootz, maybe tis time i will start to succeed in writing a song? Who the song is to, and wat is it about i dun kw, but can de lah... after INCIDENT ADELINE, i realised when i realli put my heart to a thing, i can do it. i farking hell write and designed a scrapbook for her lors, wat else cant i achieve?
deep in my heart hor, i understand tat adeline still carrys some weight no matter how i bluff and cheat myself telling myself tat she's not worth it. lolx, i've been dumb all this while, trying to escape the truth? nah, fark it lor, im a man, and i shall face everything from now on. no use trying to run away from it mah, rite?
As for my current state of mind, i guess i juz want a good life nxt time.. lolx.. earn money, then buy car, preferbly a moded BMW GTR in black and orange. muahaha, but reality onli tells me maybe i can onli afford a subaru WRX ba... lolx, but nvm de lahs, as long as its moded and in black and orange can le, i shall personally design the stickers! wootz
Im starting to have a brief idea of my business structure le, i went to read DBS bank's financial
performance sheets. lolx, its in MILLIONS lor... ta ma de... so rich... kaoz.
sometimes i was tinking it realli wasnt about money, hahass, its the process ba. money is juz a score of how u do in the process, and for me, i want to be in the top 50 on the scoreboard. :)
Sianz, i've been going to the toilet for 23 times for the past 2 days, my stomach something wrong sia, maybe i ate something wrong or did something wrong tat god wana punish me.. zzz
cb 23 times lor, my asshole super sore and pain lor, machiam my rectum is coming out also. = ="
aiyah, watever lahs, fark the world, shall go play dota now. wootz.
anyways, tis few days have been a good kid and was at home thruout, simply because im finantially dry. T_T... wanna go out also bo lui, my fren jio me go watch long hu men and fast and the furious also no money sia, cb one. But heck lah, i dun kw y, i rot too much in the end took out my guitar and started playing again.. lolx.. suddenly the urge to compose came back le.. hahass... wootz, maybe tis time i will start to succeed in writing a song? Who the song is to, and wat is it about i dun kw, but can de lah... after INCIDENT ADELINE, i realised when i realli put my heart to a thing, i can do it. i farking hell write and designed a scrapbook for her lors, wat else cant i achieve?
deep in my heart hor, i understand tat adeline still carrys some weight no matter how i bluff and cheat myself telling myself tat she's not worth it. lolx, i've been dumb all this while, trying to escape the truth? nah, fark it lor, im a man, and i shall face everything from now on. no use trying to run away from it mah, rite?
As for my current state of mind, i guess i juz want a good life nxt time.. lolx.. earn money, then buy car, preferbly a moded BMW GTR in black and orange. muahaha, but reality onli tells me maybe i can onli afford a subaru WRX ba... lolx, but nvm de lahs, as long as its moded and in black and orange can le, i shall personally design the stickers! wootz
Im starting to have a brief idea of my business structure le, i went to read DBS bank's financial
performance sheets. lolx, its in MILLIONS lor... ta ma de... so rich... kaoz.
sometimes i was tinking it realli wasnt about money, hahass, its the process ba. money is juz a score of how u do in the process, and for me, i want to be in the top 50 on the scoreboard. :)
Sianz, i've been going to the toilet for 23 times for the past 2 days, my stomach something wrong sia, maybe i ate something wrong or did something wrong tat god wana punish me.. zzz
cb 23 times lor, my asshole super sore and pain lor, machiam my rectum is coming out also. = ="
aiyah, watever lahs, fark the world, shall go play dota now. wootz.
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
monday... uneventful day, but still another day ba. ! wait.. not realli uneventful, haass.. todae were eating at megabites after skool with ah tan, rei, nich, eli, glyn and cherie. we saw a PRC gal not wearing bra! lolx... no wonder rei and the guys were saying its so 'hot' in there.... lolx... her nips are like poking out lor... super farnnie sia.. hahasss even the gals are transfixed by her assets and we're like discussing about her breasts... lolx... super farnnie lor..hahasss then ah tan was soooo RED sia.. lolx.... he damn paiseh.. :P
But tat's just a small anecdote lor, the best part is i realised a person can be reali dumb de.. LOLX... so farnnie.... hahasss... eli and i went to the library to study after lunch, and we wanted to borrow some bks to bring to com lab for reference, and guess wat? elissa was complaining to me tat the machine cannot use... i looked over and instantly realised y.... the sign was written 'RETURN'... LOLX... Wat the?? HAHAHAHASSSS its super funny lor... omg, she was like trying for soooo long lor.... hahasss... damn cartoon sia eli... she realli made my day.. lolx...then when i disturb her, her helpless expression is sooooo cute and funny sia... hahasss.... its so fun being with her lor... lolx.. then we went up to com lab to do OB essay.. hahass... todae, we realli did some work, nvr waste time. realli. ^_^
Went to read glyn's blog and realised there's tis dumb guy called kl tat tagged on her blog saying he wanna kw her.. LOLX... omg... tat guy is seeking death... hahahasss at least that's wat i tot...
he cfm become the dun kw number wat contestant going to be rejected ba... haiz.. poor creature. :P
Downloaded some bangla techno.. lolx... surprisingly its quite nice.. i like it... omg.. am i going mad? or have i advanced to another level of music appreciation? :P Anyways fark it, im going to sleep le, so tired lor. And b4 i go, i have not been training for 1 week le.. i damn guilty lor, im getting fat again... haiz... sianz, MAYBE tml will start weights again..... but i still prefer boxing leh... aiyoh, fark me, im a guy, must not be indecisive. i go koon first, tml then say. ^_- NITEZ!
But tat's just a small anecdote lor, the best part is i realised a person can be reali dumb de.. LOLX... so farnnie.... hahasss... eli and i went to the library to study after lunch, and we wanted to borrow some bks to bring to com lab for reference, and guess wat? elissa was complaining to me tat the machine cannot use... i looked over and instantly realised y.... the sign was written 'RETURN'... LOLX... Wat the?? HAHAHAHASSSS its super funny lor... omg, she was like trying for soooo long lor.... hahasss... damn cartoon sia eli... she realli made my day.. lolx...then when i disturb her, her helpless expression is sooooo cute and funny sia... hahasss.... its so fun being with her lor... lolx.. then we went up to com lab to do OB essay.. hahass... todae, we realli did some work, nvr waste time. realli. ^_^
Went to read glyn's blog and realised there's tis dumb guy called kl tat tagged on her blog saying he wanna kw her.. LOLX... omg... tat guy is seeking death... hahahasss at least that's wat i tot...
he cfm become the dun kw number wat contestant going to be rejected ba... haiz.. poor creature. :P
Downloaded some bangla techno.. lolx... surprisingly its quite nice.. i like it... omg.. am i going mad? or have i advanced to another level of music appreciation? :P Anyways fark it, im going to sleep le, so tired lor. And b4 i go, i have not been training for 1 week le.. i damn guilty lor, im getting fat again... haiz... sianz, MAYBE tml will start weights again..... but i still prefer boxing leh... aiyoh, fark me, im a guy, must not be indecisive. i go koon first, tml then say. ^_- NITEZ!
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