Memoirs of a Chinese Orchestrian...
I deleted my previous entry because its too emo. After reading thru, i realised its kinda silly. I say i tried, which infact i didnt, im just trying to run away from it all. For those that read the deleted entry last nite, keep it to urselves ya? thks. =)Im going back for reservist next monday. My deferment failed, but its okay lah, i wont die if i go back to camp. I know LM test is coming, so if my OC dun defer me, i go inside study LM lor. I tink if indeed i study LM inside camp, i cfm get full marks for the test one. Tear me away from my computer, and the only things i do is study and train.
Im looking at my recent picture taken on monday during the outing, and i like what i see, it looks much better then the fat me 2 mths ago. Im losing weight slowly, and im starting to see some build. =). Oh ya, i show u guys the picture im toking about ba.

Im not trying to act cute, i juz happen to stick out my tongue when the camera clicked. hohoho.
I found a job, working at the upcoming PC show from 28th to 31st of this mth. But thks to my reservist, i cannot confirm with my frend yet, because if i cannot defer, how to work? -.-
Im listening to MATSURI by KITARO now, and memories of my chinese orchestra days during secondary school comes flowing back. I used to play the DI ZI, or chinese flute way back during those days. I might not look much, but im the Di Zi Section Leader lor. Dun pray pray ah. lolx
I remembered vividly how inspired i was during the combined practice. Initially i tot its kinda boring juz blowing on a stupid pipe and the onli joy it gave me was i felt like some ancient swordsman. But when we started the combined practice for Matsuri, there's this unstoppable sense of awe that the combined song instills in you. Same goes for Nan Jiang Jun Ling, or the Huan Fei Hong song, if u guys kw wat i meant.
And so i fell in love with the chinese flute, learning it for 4 yrs before i gave it up when i went to polytechnic. I actually tried to join NP's chinese orchestra, but i gave it up to join dragonboat, where i also dropped out to join NP Strings. I can still vaguely remember how to play the Di Zi, but i tink i lost the skill alreadi. Such a waste man. I was given a good musical start, yet i didnt cherish it. Sigh.
Ah well, time to sleep, tml got lessons on. I shall tell u guys more about myself in the future entries. My life story isnt veri interesting, but at least give me a chance to tell you more about myself. =)
Jason's : I will have to cut my hair during reservist. Fuck.
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