Okays, lets start with todae ba. Todae morning went to meet kuku to go for the company's lunch( yes, u heard rite, we have a company lunch) for chinese new yr celebration. Kevin --> the boss gave us ang baos of $50, yesh, there's no typo, $50 angbaos. And its given to every staff, i was flabbergasped... Then the lunch was at a chinese restaurant and the meal totalled $698+.... what kinda boss is this man? Damn good can? Heng i found a boss like him sia, damn lucky. lolx.
Then after that helped 'princess' with her OB proj, but didnt realli helped lah, didnt wanna disturb her mah, ppl rushing project leh. So the sensible me kept quiet and started folding my dear hearts. heehee. Nowadays i have a new hobby, origami. Im currently folding lots and lots of hearts, i have like a box of them alreadi. I got take picture show below, hahhasss.... I tink i look damn farnny today one the mrt lors... I was wearing my chilly-cool aviators shades and im supposed to be composed and cool mah, but there i was, folding hearts on the mrt to kill off time. Huge contrast man. wootz. :P
And then comes the burning question that even kuku was beri interested in : Who are the hearts for?
Answer: Its a hobby. Whether its for someone, i dun wanna say now. Diam diam better, trust me. :)
And no, im not going to put them into a silly bottle and give it to someone. That's like so outdated lors. Hao le, enough about hearts. I was tinking about buying some car models and assemble them. Then there was the thought about learning CHA DAO because i simply love chinese tea. And then there's the wakeboarding thingy. And the list goes on.... but atlas, the list is limited by a single resource called MONEY.
Watched rocky balboa ytd on my shiny new PC. Totally impressed with the sheer determination and willpower of ROCKY. 60+ and counting and yet that old guy is much much fitter then me. Im only 23 and i punch like a wimp. The film was inspirational and did sort of wake up the beast in me. hahass.... beast of health lah, not violence.. =.="" And then there was the takings for the chinese new yr.
My ang pao money is realli realli sad, maybe because i've been a bad kid last yr ba, so this yr punish me. T_T

This is a masterpiece folded by Ms kuku herself... *pukes* :P

My angpao money.... the world is ending....

My aviators...

The hearts zoomed in...

I kw, i cant find other boxes lah, so use tissue box lors... i beri enviromental frendly lors...
Jason's Famous Quotes: A picture says a thousand words, but a word paints a million pictures.
Did You Know: My first love can sing beri beri well according to Richard. Is it true?