Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Numbness seems to be flooding me le. Hmph, todae is the 7th day she never spoke to me.
18 days more to go b4 contract expiry and the end of our story. I wish tat the contract would never end though, lolx, simply because of her. But we have to move on out lives, and in the end, im just a passerby in her life. lolx... i tink she likes her one of her senior ba, but i dun tink tat guy's a good guy though. Its my gut feeling although i never met tat guy. hahass :P (SOUR GRAPES)

Well well well, its seems the vicious cycle is repeating itself again, look at the entry 1 yr ago.. hmm, it seems eeriely similar... oh gosh, am i realli cursed? hahass :P
But look at it tis way ba, IF she was mine, and i pissed her off, most prob we wouldnt last a week ya? but i dun realli kw wat sorta of girlfrend she will be because i will never get her ba. :)

Sadness when driven to the end, will always result in a special sort of happiness tat u nvr find anywhere. Its the happiness tat is derived from despair and hopelessness. Its a happiness tat makes u smile at ur computer screen. Its a happiness tat makes the world seems small and non-existent. Im happy now, realli happi. I have never smiled a tear before, and the feeling is so strange, u smile at the screen, and u feel a sort of watever-u-do-is-not-enough feeling.

She's online now, and lets put it tat we didnt speak to each other ba. I dun kw wat to do, except to ignore the world. Let the world excommunicate me ba, im so happi anyways. Nothing else matters, as long as i can smile with a tear....

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