Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Re-enrolment todae was a mess, the admin at SIM simply sucked. And yes, i dislike my course coordinator, she's veri inflexible and i secretly think she have a problem. Aite, shall not complain too much, im supposed to learn how to see things on the brighter side. But still, why did they tell me i can overload 5 modules in my last semester, onli to give me nonsense in the end? What need to apply for simi permission from wat stupid program coordinator and stuffs? Fuck man.

And so todae met the army guys for dinner and booze in the evening. Dinner was at Hip Diner, and the booze at Breks or something like tat. Im not especially fond of alcohol, but its okay with me. heh. Anyways its nice catching up with peter,sean, siong tai and chow wee, i do foresee us doing this all the way till we're 40 plus and married with kids. It kinda makes me glad to see all of them doing fine and getting on with their individual direction in life. =)

On to another issue. Its the bits and pieces that gets to you. They dun realli hurt much individually, but when they come in droves, it starts to hurt. Starts as a trickle initially, and then slowly a river flows forth. And then it precipitates...

Something's wrong with my stomach these days man, its always full of shit. Maybe its the stuffs i ate? There's always this full of shit feel to it man, infact, maybe im just so full of shit literally and metaphorically. yeah, maybe.

Life is like spitting into the air vertically upwards into the air, what goes up, in the end comes down in your face. So when your face gets hit with your own spit, u just have to wipe it off and lament for awhile. And then some chose to continue spitting, while others give up on spitting entirely. Yeah, im randomly rambling on some silly things. argh/

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