People, im getting realli bored this holidays. Jobs need a 3 mth contractual period, and those that have no time span, is not my kinda job. Giving flyers, selling credit cards, i have enough of all those. Talked alot with mee kia these days, though we crap 90% of the time, we both did toked bout our future.
Mee kia's family isnt so well to do, but his relatives are all successful ppl. He has aunts in Hong Kong, London, Japan and Australia, and therefore he plans to go work overseas when he finishes his NS. Yes, his aunts and uncles are mostly foreigners. heh.
Whether i have relatives overseas anot, i also dun realli kw, but i tink its realli kinda fun to have overseas relatives, cause u can visit them when u're backpacking around the world. I once said i will wanna take up photography if i have the extra cash to burn. Photo-journalism style, a picture tells a thousand stories, and i wanna travel around the world to capture people's hearts and souls, smiles and grief, all under one album.
If i have the talent and the chance, i will definitely open a photography exhibition, where i can show people my works and hopefully bring them to the feel what i felt when i took each and every picture. To me, a picture is not juz a piece of plastic with colors and stuffs, a picture is a crystallization of time, each and every picture tells a emotional story, some of happiness, some of sadness. How many times have u smiled when u see a funny picture of ur past?
The fire in me, has finally settled down. I feel i wont drift around so much anymore, i had 25 yrs of drifting, so its time i settle down somewhere. Attached or not, not that important, as long as i stick to feeling for just 1 person. I need to find the break in life, the event that will make a man somebody. Or in short, a way to get rich.
I watched PROPOSAL DAITATSUKEN, and i feel the storyline behind this jap drama is realli meaningful. The theme song itself holds alot of meaning, there are somethings u have to treasure now when u have them, things change, people change, what is unchanged is the time u spent with them in the past. I know this sounds kinda emo, but im not lah, just stating a fact.
View life with a wider perspective, and you will see a that a greater horizon exist beyond ur little view span. A veri sad fact is, no matter you live or u die, the world stills revolves, no matter who u are. Therefore though they say those great men changed the world, but i still think they simply died, and we have to find a reason to explain how come the world is still spinning. Contradictory? yeah, wat to do, im like tat sometimes. sigh.
Im crapping alot this entry, because who reads all this shit man? Just me i tink, heh. So if u do chanced upon this blog of mine, bear with me, i like to blog nonsense. =)
Where does my significance lie? I guess being significant isnt that easy for me. hahass..
And this song, tells the story of a man's life. Not my life as yet, im living too well to live up to this song, and i dun even have gal to call my own, so ya, i dun qualify.
Oh, before i forget, its a canto song, so those that dun understand canto, u can read the chinese wordings =). And i tink i need to tell this to everyone : "We realli cannot defeat fate."
Jason's : 天意难违。