Working part-time nowadays as usaul, and im slacker this holidays simply because i wanna watch dramas and movies. I know i should train, as i have around 2 mths before its judgement day. Money as usaul is not enough at all, i have so much stuffs to buy and invest in, yet i dun have the funds to buy them all, lolx. Actually the one thing i would realli wanna buy is a black/brown leather jacket, looks damn nice and leather is classy. heehee. :P
Affairs of the heart wise, the cycle is starting once again. I know this sounds silly, but once again i made the choice to remain single, simply because i want somebody that i deem i have chemistry with. And not those simple chemistry, i want major chemical reaction. I know i dun have the assets to hiam other ppl, but its my heart mah. :)
An example is the teacher i was toking about a few mths ago, i met her at a skool guitar concert a few days ago. And after some turn of events, she was sitting nxt to me and chatting with me happily. We do click well and we were toking about -believe it or not- bermuda triangle and pyramids and ancient wonders of the world. lolx! But though we click, i dun tink the relevant amount of reaction is present within me, yes she is pretty, yes she is smart, but i tink she's not my type ba. Henceforth, i didnt make any further moves. hahas :P
Alrite, im feeling tired just typing so much nowdays, so lets go to a more enticing part of my entry: The societal theories! Was on my way to office this morning, when an old lady boarded at jurong east and say beside me. Then she started toking nonsense to me and the guy beside her, initially i tot she was being frendly and i merely smiled. But although i ignored her later on, she continued probing me to get my attention and blabbered on, im totally irritated but i cant scold an old lady mah.
Kaoz, i was so frustrated and felt so bottled up that i seriously wanted to stand up and fark off to one corner, but its super rude to the old lady. And so i endured, she continued toking rubbish and i continued to ignore her, when finally i cannot take it anymore.
Guess what i did? i suddenly found the whole issue amusing and i started smiling to myself, dun ask me why i felt its funny, but deep within me, the tulanness changed to humour. lolx! She stopped toking to me once we were in the tunnel and i was tinking how crazy the whole thing was. hahass. :P
So what makes an old lady blabber so much to strangers? izzit when ppl get old, extreme loneliness drove her to be mentally unsound? Or izzit when she was younger she didnt tok much, hence she tried to tok more when she got old? What i tink is most prob her family didnt tok to her much, or maybe she have family problems therefore she needs to tok to ppl to feel at ease.
Old folks in singapore are quite poor thing in fact, other country's old folks retire and live a good life, whereas old folks in singapore are still working at fast food eateries to earn a living. Izzit our national culture that made our old folks work like dogs? Or izzit our national sense of filial piety is dangerously lacking? I guess the answer is obvious just reading the newspaper daily. In our pursuit for monetary and esteem satisfaction, we neglected our consciential development.
Parents became people that painstakingly took care of us and sheltered us till we grow to a age ripe enough to abandon or ignore them both verbally and mentally. A dangerous epidermic is spreading like wildfire among us urbanians, we are losing our roots slowly and surely. True enough there are people that still treasures these traditional values, but as wealth grew, so did our misconception that money is equal to love and filial piety.
Some parents gave monetary satisfaction to their kids thinking that its love, and some kids gave money to their parents believing its being filial. Oh how wrong they were, infact current social affairs seems to grant insight into this trend which proves to be both detrimental and contagious. All in all, love ur parents more, no matter what they did.
Jason's Famous Quotes : Courage is a derivative of cowardice.
Did You Know? : Im beginning to like a very irrelevant person.
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