Wednesday, August 25, 2010

This blog abit old liao, i tink maybe its time to convert it to a investment blog, rather then some silly affairs-o-the-heart blog. As we age, we tend to change priorities, and that is exactly what happened to me. I have sort of erased most of the emotions within me with regards to her, so i guess we're on the road again man. =)

Okies, first of all, my current portfolio:

1) Noble Group
2) Banjoo
3) PT Berlian Laju
4) Saizen REIT

And so the reasons for incorporating them into my portfolio is as follows:

1) I personally like Noble's business and being in the commodity business means u you perpetual prospects, commodities is something that is always needed in whichever phrase of the economy. Therefore i feel its quite rock-solid when industry demand is concerned.

Currently Noble is still bearish, but nonetheless this counter is my fundamental pick, so i cant realli be bothered with the charting of this counter. =)

2) Banjoo, the well known kukujiao counter. I'm vested in Banjoo due to their recent change in owner and industry. They are now venturing into the indonesian telecoms industry, where they have secured a governmental contract for construction and maintenance of various sub-stations to extent mobile coverage to the rural areas of indonesia. Indonesia itself, boosts inpressive growth and its economy is mostly inert to the global economy. The recession merely grazed indonesia because although indonesia is a 3rd world country, this fact actually saved them. Indonesia's demands is self-supplied, so they dun realli import or export much products for domestic consumption. Anyways, long story cut short, Banjoo is a medium-term tikum counter which have potential to be a multi-bagger. In which case if it does not do well, i also lose not much. hahaha

3) PT Berlian Laju, this one is pure tikum, with some research done on its financials and backgroud. The fair valuation of this counter is SGD0.15, yet its now lying at SGD0.035, simply because they turbo issues rights to garner cash for insane expansion. Currently they are the 3rd largest chemical freighters in the world, and i believe they will soon be number 1 if they managed to pull off this insane expansion plan. Oh, need i mentioned they are also highly leveraged? Haha, but tikum this one also no hard, lose also not much. Hiak hiak

4) Saizen REIT, this deadly counter is my first purchase to build up the fixed income portion of my portfolio. I shall elaborate more on the Jasonian Portfolio Theory later. Saizen deals in Japanese properties, and as the general rules go, Japanese real estate is super expensive. Anyways japanese properties have immerse potential, and as XH puts it, they need 2 generations to completely purchase a property. That is how expensive jap properties is. Anyways im just vested this morning, awaiting their financial announcement tomorrow morning before market opens. I have a certain feel good factor about this counter, simply because i did ALOT of research before committing in this counter. =)

Alrite, everybody needs to have dreams yeah? There is a few counters i would LOVE to hold if i have the monies, which at this point, im still damn poor lah. Cb. But no harm listing it out lah, at least i feel better that way. hahaha

To buy:

1) FSL Trust: This one die die must buy at the current price, the dividend yield is 12.88% per annum. The current price of SGD0.4 makes it a super cheap counter with respect to its NAV and div yield. They got into some shit hence the price like super low now. Nonetheless, they did announce they may be making some adjustments to future dividends. But still, this counter returns is good, simply because ship leasing is picking up as the economy is SLOWLY coming back again despite so many cock and bulls stories about double dip. Remember, the ball called earth is now undergoing a historical first; a asynchronous recovery. Asian countries are leading the recovery, with China in the forefront, we are currently the ones saving the western overspending asses with our incredibly godlike savings.

2) AIMS REIT: This one the yield is good, and its one of the 3 REITs im considering adding to my fixed income portfolio. Reasons for this choice is simple. I like it. =)

3) Cambridge REIT: This is the 3rd REIT i would like in my portfolio. Shall not say much, if you guys wan info why i like this so much, go google, tons of answers in there. hahaha (Lazy to type lah)

4) OCBC Bank: My veri own dear employer. Its a steal once it goes to 8.5 and under. OC will definitely hit $10 in the next 10 years, simply because as an employee in the bank, i believe in my own bank. hiak hiak hiak

5) Starhub: A Telecoms counter to diversify away from the other counters in my portfolio, because Starhub pays constant and good dividends for its price and stability. And might i add, im abit biased, cause i am a Starhub user. =p

6) Ezra: A Oil related counter that could ride on oil prices, which is guaranteed to go up rather then down in future. I also like the fact that i always see Ezra employees at my branch area. All look decent and dont seem too shady. Hurhur.

7) Tiger Air: Contrary to popular believe, i was onli recently interested in this counter when XH told my about it. In the past, the IPO price of SGD1.5 kinda freaked me out, but right now its valuation is slowly catching up with its IPO price. For medium term prospects, this counter fits nicely into my portfolio, because i need a air carrier to tap on the asian tourism boom.

8) Transpac: This one is a semi tikum and fundamental stock. To me, its like a pandoras box. you look at the financials and u go boomz, and the next thing u know, they give out 40 cents dividend. Last dec, i was a fortunate beneficiary of the 40 cents thingy. haha. Anyways transpac is a investment holdings company, which is vaguely similar to what ang mohs called a venture capital company. They buy and sell shares and companies, kinda like a equity fund without the so called mandate. There is no predetermined fund manager, which means there is no management costs like unit trusts. Up till now, transpac is performing veri nicely, and the dividends they give out machiam tio bonus like tat, wudi one! hahaha!

There, finally finished typing, there is lots more to tok about, but lets just stop here for the time being. Remember, try not to be a chartist, and if you realli wanna be one, make sure you have the ability or leverage to play, dun end up a victim of Mr Market! ^_^