A Rendition of Time
Ah huh, im back to post after a long period of rest/laziness. Dun tink anybody will be missing me though. I will try to keep this entry as short as i can, cause i have tons of things to update and i dun wanna bore you people to tears. So yeah...and im listing stuffs in point form to simplify things. =)
number 1: im being charged by the army for missing 3 sessions of RT. Its my fault tat i miscalculated the dates and so i suck thumb need to go face the music. Ah well, im quite prepared for it, cause if u did something wrong, u face the consequences.
number 2: i have a new passion in life, and that is muay thai. I went to join reilly and jade at our new muay thai club in skool and indeed, im hooked. All along i have a passion for martial arts since im young, just tat im too procrastinatory to realli go join something. Since i have taken the first step, i have set for myself a goal as well, which is to join rei in the upcoming inter-varsity muay thai IVP.
yeah, i kw its kinda far-fetched since i just started like 2 weeks back, but to me, with this goal in mind i will train hard and at the end of the road, even though i might not be able to take part now, i will continue to train hard for some other events. And infact, this time, i have a veri different feeling, simple because im training for a purpose, not aimless training anymore.
number 3: im kinda disappointed in some people, namely a few not-veri-normal frends. Its hard to explain and write bout them here, without being explicit and risk exposing their antics to the whole world, so i shall not write bout things they did, i just wanna tell ppl im disappointed. I mean, why cant ppl be normal like my OG mates or meekia they all? sigh.
number 4: i stand tall and shall remain standing tall, believing in my own morality and sticking by my principles. No amount of brainwashing will make me a bastard, one at a time means one at a time. Do not tell me to multi-invest man, i simply refuse to multi-invest when it comes to affairs of the heart. And dun tell me about ur multi-investing exploits. yes, call me a dumb fuck, but i will stick to what i say. period.
number 5: life is gaining speed, projects are coming up and my engine is starting up slowly. Im picking myself up from the lazy roots entangling me, and start to be more productive in terms of studies. Im still jobless though, and im starting to get concerned, cause im outta chow for my grad trip man! Fug, i HAVE to find a job, i dun wan to starve in the Nam! (Nam = Vietnam)
number 6: My frends are all watching Boys Before Flowers,the korean F4 and im veri tempted to watch it. BUT i have to control myself, cause once i start on a drama, i cannot stop, especially those nice ones. Alot of projects and stuffs, so i simply cannot allow myself to get hooked. Besides, the series haven finish running yet, and i hate waiting for the next episode to air, i rather one shot choing finish the entire drama. heh.
number 7: im still hesitating whether to publish some stuffs anot, i saved it as a draft, but i tink now's not the time to publish it ba. Maybe i will never publish it, even after i graduate. Its a good read though, everytime i read thru the story, i feel a deep deep warmth rising up from the bottom of my heart. So i think most probably i shall keep the story to myself. Better that way lah, dun anyhow anyhow mah. Shall leave it up to fate ba. If its meant to be published, then it will be, if not, then let it be ba. =)
number 8: if u people noticed, i've changed the song in my blog to a classic love song. Yeah, its suited to my blog's color theme, and i recommend reading my blog in the middle of the night. At night read more emo more romantic rite? right. hahah =p.
Okay lah, dun de siao le lah, its just im kinda into Class 95 these days, i kinda imagined myself driving my BMW around town at night, tuned to 95. Yeah, i love the feeling when you let the night breeze weave thru your hair as u listen to a CLS. wow. (CLS = classic love song)
number 9: i was scared stiff by somebody who is over frendly. Yeah, too frendly for my comfort, so natural instinct = siam. Not say i have value or anything lah, just not comfortable.
number 10: Its not realli nice to be mean to somebody, and i do feel kinda bad sometimes. I admit i do join in the gossiping and things, but since the person also nvr do things realli realli bad to me, why should i ostracize tat person? Besides, its kinda like a mirror image of how another person feels about me. irony. hahaha ah well, let me just wake up ba, shall not be so mean to that person le. =)
Aite, that ends my update for this entry. Its kinda lengthy in the end, but i tried my best to shorten it alreadi. Serious! There's lots more i nvr tok about lor, but okay lah, too much information is bad for health. Hehe, so i shall sign off here and go watch HARD TO KILL by Steven Seagal. I have this VCR when i was young, where i will repeatedly watch recorded movies with my brothers and sister in my old house. Haha~~~ chow~~~ =)
Final Note: Actually if you tell yourself you're not affected, then nothing in the world can affect you. Think and act logical, dun get involved with people that wants to affect you.